Chapter 5

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Alyssa's POV:

"OMG! Really Louis? Really? Aight, well y'all gotta fix y'all's schedules for Monday. Luckily I didn't have anything planned. So we meet there at what.....say......11:00?" I said.

"Yeah, 11 sounds good to me" Trinity said.

"Yep sounds good to me too. I live here." Greta agreed.

"Alright. Looks like we're going to the store Monday morning, Greta" Maddie said.

"Yep, looks like it" she answered.

"What y'all gonna get?" Trinity asked.

Madison's POV:

Greta and I looked at each other. "Chocolate." we said.

"And drinks" Greta added.

"CARROTS!" Alyssa yelled.

"Chocolate chip cookies and Pizza Hut" I added writing it all down on a piece of paper so we don't forget what we were going to get.

"Is that all?" Greta asked.

"Umm......maybe some chips?" Alyssa asked.

"NOBODY LIKES CHIPS!" I yelled. Greta, Trinity, and I laughed.

"Ouch! Ok. OK. No chips." She said. "Wait. No Trinity, pack a bag for the weekend. You special people have been invited to my house for a sleepover tonight."

"I don't know where you live." Trinity said.

"Just have your dad drop you off here, then before we leave we can walk Fluff." Greta said.

"Yeah, how about we all just meet here" I said.

"Ok I'm on my way now. See you soon. Bye" Alyssa said hanging up the phone.

"You go get your stuff ready and if I need to I can come pick you up?" I asked.

"No, it's ok dad said he could take me." Trinity said.

"Oh, ok well go get your stuff and come on." I replied.

"Ok, bye see you soon" She answered.

"Bye" Greta and I said in unison.

Alyssa knocked on the door five minutes later. "Come in" I yelled too lazy to get up and open it.

"Lazy" Alyssa said as she walked into the living room.

"I am. Thank you" I said lovingly placing my hand on my heart.

"Oh, you are so pathetic." She retorted.

"Yes I am. I do have a quick question though." I say staring at the television screen.

"And what's that?" She asks.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You keep complimenting me." I said.

"Why are you so weird? And take insults as compliments?" she countered.

"Because I'm ME and I wouldn't want to be anyone else. And I know you don't mean those words so why not make you annoyed and enjoy things?" I answered proudly.

"Oh whatever, you know you were so-" Trinity cut her off knocking on the door.

"Hey get that would ya?" Greta says coming into the living room.

"Yeah sure." I say still sitting in my seat. "Come in!"

"That's not what I meant" Greta huffed.

"You said get that not get up and open the door" I huffed back.

"I thought that was implied" she sassed.

"Oh no, you just sassed her. There's gonna be a sass off tonight." Alyssa said. I can hear the grin plastered on her face.

"Oh gurl, you did not just do that. We will so finish this later right now we have to go walk a special puppy" I say finally getting up off the couch and turning off the t.v.

We walk out to where Fluffy stays in the backyard and start his walk. Meanwhile.......

Louis's POV:

I was so excited for Monday that I couldn't sleep. The boys could tell I was really happy they all just guessed I was homesick. Boy were they wrong. I couldn't wait to tell the girls about my special plan.

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