chapter 1

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Elite-level graduation was one of the best times for a prodigy at Foxfire. They got to dance eat snacks, dance in fancy clothes, and Sophie and Keefe decided to get away from the loud noise and go somewhere private.

Sophie wore a sleeveless floor-length dress with so many layers of Tulle. it was already hard enough to walk in, but add the white high heels, she could barely walk without tripping. Edaline insisted that she should wear high heels though.

Keefe wore a rust-red vest over a white collared shirt. and pressed Khaki pants. and leather dress shoes. 

Keefe and Sophie were holding hands. Sophie kept her eyes down. Keefe couldn't stop staring. Sophie's hair was so beautiful. She did it in an updo with two locks of hair that she curled and hung down. he would've cracked a joke, but he was so anxious tonight. his plans for tonight would change the course of Sophie and Keefe's history

they were just outside of Foxfire in a grassy plain with a hill. On top of that hill was a pure. 

Keefe needed a distraction

"Race you to the top of the hill!" Perfect distraction.

Keefe broke into a run up the hill.

"No fair!" Sophie called back. "I'm wearing heels."

Sophie took off both of her high heels and waited until Keefe was at the top of the hill. When he reached the top, Sophie threw a high heel at his head.

It hit Keefe in the back of the head and he fell to the ground. 

"KEEFE!!!" Sophie screamed. 

She ran up the hill. Keefe lay there. he was lying on his back unconscious

Sophie put a hand on his chest. "Keefe! wake up!" Sophie waited for a second. "You're scaring me Keefe!"

Keefe sat up. "WOO-HOO!!!" Keefe said, then smirked at Sophie. "You do care about me!!!"

Sophie whacked him with her other shoe that she still held in her hand.

She leaned against the tree and pouted a little bit. She was a little mad at Keefe but it was hard to stay mad at him.

"You're cute when you pout." Keefe said

Sophie sighed. it was half exasperation and half annoyance. "What am I going to do with you?" Sophie asked.

"Smother me with all your love and affection, until I'm mature enough to realize that I shouldn't scare the heck out of you just to see you panic because you're cute when you panic?" Keefe suggested.

Sophie sighed again. but this time to cover a laugh. "The first part I might possibly do." 

Sophie scooted closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's so beautiful tonight." Sophie said. "Kind of romantic."

Keefe pulled her close. he kissed the top of her head. or more off to the side of her updo anyway. 

"It is very romantic." Keefe agreed. Now was the perfect time. "Foster, ever since I first met you, I've been so incredibly happy. I knew you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with since you were lost in the halls covered in alchemy goo. you were by far the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen."

Keefe reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small box. before he could open the box, a flash of light appeared out of nowhere. Sophie shielded her eyes. when the light disappeared, Lady Gisela was standing there. 

Sophie and Keefe leaped into action. Sophie tore the skirt off her dress to reveal black leggings underneath. Sophie removed Hope from the pocket of her pants. She charged toward Lady Gisela. Lady Gisela flipped Sophie over her shoulder in one swift movement. and pinned Sophie to the ground with her foot.

Lady Gisela pulled out a knife.

"NOOO!!" Keefe screamed. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" 

Sophie tried to remove Lady Gisela's foot from her chest but had no luck.

"You didn't fulfill your legacy, Keefe." Lady Gisela said coldly. "so I guess I have to fulfill it for you." 

She forced Sophie to her feet.

Sophie had never felt more alone. everything felt like it was in slow motion. even though Keefe was running at her as fast as he possibly could, and she knew people loved her so much, and she knew she was the most powerful elf the world had ever seen, she couldn't help but feel like she wasn't love and she was helpless. 

Sophie felt a searing pain in her stomach. She gasped and fell to the ground. Keefe ran to her. 

Lady Gisela yanked the knife out of Sophie's stomach.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Keefe cried. his vision becoming blurry. he really really really really wished he was an inflictor right now. He collapsed to his knees in front of Sophie

"Just what you should have done a long time ago." Lady Gisela said. she held up a blue leaping crystal and stepped into the light.

Sophie was still breathing but barely.

He reached for her pulse. it was so slow.

"How many funerals is this now?" Sophie asked, her voice cracked and barely audible. 

"Now is not the time for jokes Foster." Keefe said. "You're going to die."

"I guess I never fulfilled my legacy." Sophie said.

"What?" Keefe asked.

"I made a legacy for myself. My legacy was that your Legacy would never be fulfilled, that I would teach you to be a positive person, and that you wouldn't give up so easily. And that I wouldn't die before I saw that happen." Sophie said, grabbing his hand

"I'm calling Elwin. Maybe he can fix you." He grabbed Sophie's wrist. he reached for her pulse. it was so slow. Keefe looked at Sophie, who had her eyes closed. 

He reached for his imparter.

then the pulse was gone. 

"NOOOOOO" Keefe screamed.

Sophie Elizabeth Foster was dead.

947 words!!!! Ya! But don't worry ya'll the story isn't done. 

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