Chapter 8

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Will you marry me? floated around in Sophie's head. Sophie had a feeling this would come soon. she didn't expect this soon. 

"YES!!!!" Sophie screamed after a split second.

She flung herself at Keefe, wrapping him in an embrace, and Kissing him a lot. and for a long time.

When Sophie finally pulled herself away from him, Keefe had a huge smile that lit up his face.

Keefe slipped a ring on Sophie's right ring finger. Sophie looked at the ring. it had a golden band, with a starstone in the center.

"Now, I had an idea," Keefe said. "I was thinking we have the gnomes fix this place up and it becomes our home," Keefe said. "And you would get to design it however you want. And the room we're currently in could be our room."

"That's so sweet!" Sophie said

"The gnomes can have it done by tomorrow."

Sophie and Keefe ended up talking the rest of the night. Sophie ended up falling asleep. Keefe ended up falling asleep beside her.

Sophie started dreaming.

It started with her and Keefe walking together in a vast field. Sophie was staring into Keefe's gorgeous ice-blue eyes. Sophie felt like everything around her faded. and all that was there were her and Keefe. until she realized that she and Keefe were walking around in total blackness, she felt Keefe's hand slide out of hers.

She screamed for Keefe. Everything was still completely dark, but she took off running anyway. She felt her feet stumble and she fell. 

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And fell some more.

Sophie screamed. 

She could hear Keefe's voice. But it sounded so incredibly panicked. He was screaming "FOSTER!"

She could hear Fintan's voice.

"Moonlark ain't so strong anymore, is she?" Fintan's evil voice said. then he laughed. it sounded a lot like a scratching record. 

Sophie suddenly hit the ground. 

She stumbled to her feet.

She was covered in scratches.

She was back in the meadow. 

Keefe was standing in the meadow.

Sophie ran towards him.

But something was holding her back. She tried to reach Keefe, but something was forcing her backward.

Then she heard Fintan's voice again. "A Moonlark will never be able to survive on its own."

Then the area around Keefe was engulfed in flames.

Keefe fell to his knees as the smoke filled his lungs. 

"KEEFE!" Sophie screamed. 

Then Keefe disappeared behind a wall of flames. 

She could hear Keefe's voice through the fire. "Wake up Sophie! You need to wake up!"

Sophie forced herself awake.

She sat up.

Keefe was kneeled at her side.

Sophie hugged him tight. She couldn't breathe. She doubted Keefe could either considering how tight she was hugging him.

"Foster, you need to breathe."

Sophie let go of him. She took a deep breath.

"Now," Keefe said. "What. was. that? You started screaming, and you screamed louder than a banshee, might I add." 


"How bad was that nightmare?"

Sophie stayed quiet.

"will you at least tell me what happened?"

Sophie stayed Silent again.

"Okay, It looks like the nightmare was about," Keefe studied her face for a second. "We were walking together, then I disappeared and everything was black, you fell for a long time, Then you found me, tried to run to me but something was holding you back, then I got engulfed in fire. BUT THE MIGHTY KEEFE SENCEN RAN OUT OF THE FIRE, RESCUED SOPHIE AND THEY GOT MARRIED!"

"Everything except the last part."

"And WHO could kill the mighty Keefe Sencen?"

Sophie sighed.

"I guess you're right."

"AWWWWWWWW you even admit it!"

Sophie sighed again.

Sophie's imparter rang.

She answered it.

It was Grady.

"Where the heck are you?" Grady asked.

"Keefe took me to the old abandoned mansion-"

"-And proposed," Keefe said

"WHAT!!!" A voice said from somewhere in the background. Biana appeared on the screen.

"I'll give you details later Bi!" Sophie said. "But we talked for a while and ended up falling asleep."

"Where are you though!" Grady said.

"A place called firelight gables."

"Get home now!"

"Okay! I'm coming home!" Sophie said. 

"And bring Keefe too!" Grady said. He clicked off his imparter.

When Sophie turned around, Keefe was combing his hair, with a comb that appeared out of nowhere. 

"Where'd you get the comb from?" Sophie asked.

"A magician never reveals he secrets!" Keefe said. he pulled out a comb and handed it to Sophie.

Sophie combed her hair and grabbed Keefe's hand. 

She pulled out her home crystal.

"Concentrate," Sophie said. 

She held up her home crystal to the sun and walked into the light.

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