Chapter 3

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Voices were fading in and out.

in and out.





Some voices sounded familiar to Sophie, but she couldn't put her finger on them.

there were three voices in particular that she'd heard almost every day since she moved to the lost cities.

"Foster?" The voice sounded so small and silent in the resounding blackness of unconsciousness. Sophie could barely hear it.

"Foster!" The was a little bit louder now. and sounded more panicked. 

"Foster!!" The voice was louder and even more panicked.

"SOPHIE!" The voice was so incredibly loud and incredibly panicked.

"SOPHIE!!!" Other voices joined in.

She felt something holding down both of her arms and both of her legs. 

She ripped open her eyes but regretted it once the light burned her corneas

She felt whatever was holding down her limbs go away, making her limbs free to move.

she slowly opened her eyes to let them adjust to the light.

Once her eyes were fully opened she could see Keefe, Grady, Edaline, and Elwin all standing there, watching her like a hawk. 

Sophie was in the healing center in one of the cots. Grady and Elwin stood at the end, and Keefe and Edaline stood on either side. 

"Do you know what you just put me through!" Keefe cried. "I leave for two minutes and you have a seizure!" Keefe immediately started pacing, mumbling things that were inaudible. 

"Seizure?" Sophie asked.

"You had a seizure a few minutes ago," Edaline explained, who looked incredibly pale. 

"Do you remember anything that happened?" Grady asked. 

"Nothing except for someone calling my name five times, and something holding my arms and legs down."

"Is that all you remember?" Elwin asked.

"That's it," Sophie said. 

"Do you remember why you're here?" Grady asked. 

"Bits and pieces," Sophie replied, tugging out a loose eyelash.

"What do you remember?"

"I remember being stabbed in the stomach. And Keefe crying incredibly hard.  And I remember this darkness that was pulling me. I fought it off as much as I could, but I eventually couldn't fight it off anymore. I was there for like a second sitting in the darkness. then the darkness turned into light. And the next thing I knew, Everyone was there, and Keefe looked so incredibly happy." Sophie tugged out another loose eyelash. 

Edaline covered her mouth and turned away. Grady moved to her side and put his arm around Edaline's shoulder. 

Keefe suddenly fell to the ground.

"KEEFE!!!!!!!!" Sophie screamed.

"Not again!" Elwin said, going to his side, and flashing a lavender colored light near his head.

"What do you mean again?" Sophie asked.

"We think that Keefe may have..." Edaline said. Sophie turned to Edaline. Edaline looked down, not able to finish her sentence. Grady squeezed Edaline's shoulder.

"We think Keefe's sanity might have... Cracked." Grady said, barely able to squeeze out the last word.

Ya'll I have 31 reads!!! And it makes me want to cry! THANK YOU SO MUCH! But, back to the story, I'm kind of going off-script. Not all of this was supposed to happen, but I want to keep it juicy

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