chapter 11

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When Sophie woke up, she wasn't chained against the wall. But she was in a cell, like a dungeon from medieval times. 

She looked around and saw Keefe on the other side of the cell. 

She tackled him with a hug. 

It took Keefe by surprise. 

He pushed her off. 

"OW!" Sophie said, after landing on the floor.

"Oh my gosh, Foster!" Keefe said. "Are you okay?"

"What was that for?" Sophie complained.

"Sorry, I've been pretending to sleep, that way the moment someone touched me I could attack."

"That still hurt."

"Sorry. Can we get back to hugging?"

Sophie tackled him with a hug again. 

"You guys hug a lot." A voice said from the other side of the bars.

They both turned. 

It was Lady Gisela. 

"And?" Keefe said.

"Just an observation." 

"What do you want?" Sophie asked

"I want a lot of things." Lady Gisela replied. 

"well, that's a line none of us have ever heard before," Sophie replied sarcastically. 

"But what I want is-"

"Lady Gisela!" One of the other Neverseen members came into view and whispered something into Lady Gisela's ear.

Lady Gisela sighed. 

"Get them set up for the Kraken." Lady Gisela said.

"The Kraken?" Keefe asked.

"You will never be found." Lady Gisela said.

They heard Lady Gisela walk away.

The Neverseen member pulled down their hood.

It was a girl with long dark hair. Her skin was bronze colored, and her eyes were arctic blue. 

"My name is Brave," She said. "Me and My Boyfriend want to help you."

"Sure you do," Sophie said.  

"No seriously." She said.

She motioned for someone to come into view.

a boy came into view. He had chestnut-colored hair. And blue-green eyes. he had a perfectly chiseled face, and was SO cute. He made Fitz look ugly!!! 

On the bright side, Sophie only had eyes for Keefe. 

"I'm Mischief." He said. "Is there any way we can help you?"

Sophie looked at Keefe.

She whispered something to Keefe.

Keefe nodded.

"Do either of you have photographic memory?" Sophie asked. 

"Me." Brave said. "I have a photographic memory."

"Okay," Sophie said. "I am going to transmit you pictures of people I trust. If you see any of them, lead them to me and Keefe."

Sophie transmitted pictures of Grady, Edaline, Alden, Della, Fitz, Biana, Tam, Linh, Dex, Marella, Stina, Maruca, Wylie, Tiergan, Magnate Leto, Mr. Forkle, And Elwin. 

"If you see any of these people, lead them to us," Sophie said.

Brave nodded. 

"What even is 'the kraken'?"

"We knock you out, put you in glass boxes, And then our Kraken hides you in his tentacles." Mischief said. 

"Speaking of," Brave pulled out two cups full of what looked like water. "Sedatives." 

Sophie looked at the sedative.

"You okay Soph?" Keefe asked when Sophie went pale. 

"You know my policy on sedatives."

"What?" Brave asked.

"She hates sedatives," Keefe said.

Sophie had somehow scooted to the back of the cell in the 2 seconds Keefe had turned his head. 

"C'mon Foster," Keefe said.

"I can always force her," Mischeif said.

"Don't." Brave said. "You promised me you wouldn't use your beguiling on either of them."

"There are other ways."

"Don't even think about it," Keefe said.

"And what are you going to do about it?" 

"I have you know that I sparred with King Dimitar and won." 

Mischief went pale and shut up.

Keefe took both sedatives from Brave. 

He sat beside Sophie. 

He handed her one of the sedatives.

"C'mon Foster," Keefe said. "You got kidnapped by the Neverseen, found your way home from an alleyway in Paris, flew on Silveny's back to an unknown location."

Sophie downed the sedative. And was out instantly 

"How the heck did that work?" Mischeif asked.

"I've already told her this once, and she probably knew that taking the sedative would mean she didn't have to listen to it."

Keefe took the sedative and was unconcsious in an instant.

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