Chapter 2

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Keefe could barely see anything. He could barely think. It felt like half of him had just been destroyed.

Keefe covered his face and sobbed.

"Foster." He whispered. 

He heard footsteps.

Followed by Gasps, Screams, Sobs, And cries of Agony. 

But Keefe could barely hear the screams.

He couldn't feel the amount of people hugging him. 

he couldn't see anything.

He could barely think straight.

it's my fault. Keefe thought. If I had run faster or leaped Foster away... NO. Don't think like that. get a grip. Foster wouldn't want this. She was the bravest Elf. Ever. She was so powerful and humble. She would want me to fulfill her legacy for her. and I will.

Keefe finally looked up. He realized how many people were there.

Fitz, Biana, Tam, Linh, Dex, Maruca, Marella, and even Stina was there. Grady, Edaline, Alden, Della, and Elwin were there too.

Biana collapsed on the ground sobbing, Tam was consoling her even though he was crying too. 

Fitz had his hands clenched. He probably would have broken his fingers if he had squeezed his hands any harder. Linh was trying to unclench his fist. And Sobbing at the same time. 

Dex kind of stood there. he didn't say anything. but he had tears running down his face. Marella stood there too. Holding Dex's hand. she was crying hard.

Maruca and Stina had mixed reactions. Maruca was kneeling on the ground saying something inaudible. And Stina was pacing with tears down her face. 

Grady was kneeling on the ground, with Edaline leaning on him. Grady had one arm around the shoulder of a sobbing Edaline, and the other was covering his face.

Alden kind of had an emotionless face. liked he was too absorbed in grief. and Della was leaning on him 

Elwin stood there his hand covering his face. "This is the only one of her accidents I can't fix.

Keefe was still kneeling there. "Don't go, Foster," Keefe said. "I love you, Sophie Elizabeth Foster, wherever you are." 

Suddenly everyone screamed and backed up. Keefe could see golden light through his closed eyes. 

"Keefe?" A familiarly sweet voice said.

Keefe opened his eyes. Sophie had the worried crease between her brows. but more importantly...


"SOPHIE!" Everyone screamed.

"Keefe?" Sophie asked again.

"Foster?" Keefe said, barely believing it.

"Keefe, what the heck is going on?"

Keefe laid down next to her. "You're going to be fine Foster. that's all you need to know right now."

"Sophie, I need you to swallow this," Elwin said, a vile in his hands with a clear blue liquid. the top was already off. 

he handed it to Sophie who downed it in one gulp. 

"see you on the other side," Sophie whispered. then the sedative pulled her under.

Elwin leaped Sophie to the healing center. Grady, Edaline, Alden, and Della had gone with him. Keefe hadn't though. He was too busy relishing in his happiness.

"WOOOOOOOOOO" Keefe screamed. He got up and ran around. he did a cartwheel. but failed miserably.

Everyone joined. they were all jumping around.

Then realized that Sophie was in the healing center again and they all leapt there.

Did you think I would make our Fos-Boss die? yeah I can't make a SoKeefe story if Sophie dies. But anyway I'm praying ya'll love it.

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