Linh's POV

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I tossed and turned so much. Grady disappeared so much during the party. Something didn't seem right.

Something was going on. I needed to check on Sophie.

I reached for my imparter on the bedside table.

"Show me Sophie," I said. Sophie didn't answer.

"Show me Keefe," I said. Keefe didn't answer.

I tried calling them a couple more times.

Nothing. Something was going on.

I needed to think for a minute, Who should I call.

You know what? I'll call them in the morning.

I couldn't sleep. I got like 2 minutes of sleep.

It was morning. I tried calling Sophie again.

But Edaline picked up.

"Where's Sophie?" I asked.

"Lady Gisela took her," Edaline said quietly.

"WHAT!" I screamed. "I'm coming over right now!"  

I hung up and got dressed as fast as I could.

"Show me Biana, Marella, Maruca, Stina, Fitz, Tam, and Dex." 

"SOPHIE AND KEEFE WERE TAKEN BY LADSY GISELA!" I shout the moment everyone answers.

"WHAT!" Everyone shouts. 

"I know! I'm going to Havenfield right now." 

I put on the first tunic I could find (White with a gold sash) And a pair of pants (Blue). 

I rushed downstairs, ran outside, and held my Pathfinder to the sun. And realized that I had to set it to havenfeild. 

I fumbled for a second. Then I set it to Havenfield and stepped into the light.

And landed at Rimeshire.

I sighed. then reset it.

and stepped into the light again.

And landed at... I honestly have no clue where I am. 

I reset it again. then stepped into the light again. 

Everglen, some place called Lushberry Hills, Mysterium, Candelshade, Shores of Solace, And everywhere except Havenfield. 

at around the twenty-first or twenty-second time, I sat on the grass for a second. I looked around and surveyed my surroundings. I was on a grassy cliff that overlooked the ocean. I stared out at the ocean.

I heard voices and ducked behind a tree. 

I saw two figures in black cloaks. 

I looked for a weapon of some kind. Of course, I forgot to grab my dagger.

I watched them.

"Gisela wants us to go to the base immediately." I heard one say. it sounded like a girl. 

"Of course she does." The other said. he sounded like a boy. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" the girl asked.

"It's always Mischief do this, Brave do that, No kissing, stop Kissing, Mischief get back to training. I just want to be a couple. A regular couple that didn't get beguiled to join the Neverseen."

"Well, nothing is stopping us from kissing now." The girl said, Who I assumed is probably Brave.

Brave threw back her hood to reveal long dark hair. I couldn't see her face from my angle. She threw back Mischief's hood too. all I could see was that Mischief had chestnut-colored hair.

Brave pressed herself against Mischief. there were a lot of sounds that sounded like Kissing but It was disgusting, 

there was Smacking, panting, smooching, and just... UGH!

This was worse than when Sophie and Keefe get really emotional. 

I stepped out from behind the tree. I called some water from the ocean. 

but of course cue the moment when Brave and Mischief stop making out. 

Mischief immediately flipped his hood back up, and he flipped up Brave's hood too.

and he saw me.

I blasted him with water. 

Brave turned to me. She ran over. and flipped me into the ocean. far far far below me. 

I splashed into the cold water. 

I didn't know how deep I went.

I hit the button on my panic switch, hoping that someone would find me.

I tried to kick to the surface. 

but something was holding onto my leg. it looked almost like a tentacle. 

I tried to kick away from it. but it kept dragging me down.

the last thing I remembered was the surface being so incredibly far away.

Water was my element. But even a hydrokenetic couldn't hold their breath forever.

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