Biana's POV

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I was dancing in a pink sleeveless gown. having the time of my life. I got to graduate. from Foxfire!

Everyone was there! Tammy even came. So did Fitz, Linh, And Keefe.

I was having so much fun. I saw Keefe pulling Sophie out to the hill behind Foxfire.

I almost followed them. but I didn't it wasn't my business. 

I had to stop Marella from following them. 

"But I want to know what they're doing," Marella complained.

"but it's their business," I said.

"C'mon Marella," Dex said coming out of nowhere and pulling her away. "It doesn't matter what they're doing."

Tam did something later that night, but juice on that later. 

I suddenly heard a scream that sounded a lot like Keefe. Fitz, Dex, and Tam all exchanged looks.

"Why would Sophie say no?" I heard Fitz whisper to Dex. 

"Wait," I said. "Is Keefe going to propose to Sophie," I ask Tam.

Tam nodded. I wanted to squeal as loud as I could. But then realized that Keefe screaming no at the top of his lungs would mean that she said no. Why would she say no?

We all went to the back of Foxfire.

We all saw Keefe. He was on his knees. and had his hands covering his face. I walked closer and saw Sophie lying out in front of him. We all gasped.

I ran to Sophie.

the moment I got there. I tried to find Sophie's pulse. I couldn't find it anywhere. 

I stood up. tears rolling down my face. 

"Sophie's dead," I whispered.

Everyone gasped. everyone screamed. I collapsed to the ground. Tam ran forward and caught me. 

he had his arm around me. I couldn't stop crying. at first, I tried to stop. knowing it would ruin my mascara. then realized Sophie was truly dead. and The floodgates opened.

I couldn't help it.

Tam held me tight. which helped. 

Just when I was finally calmed down a little bit, I heard Elwin say "This is the only one of her accidents I can't fix"

which made it worse. 

the one time Sandor and Ro aren't around Sophie gets killed.

the one day all the bodyguards got to take the night off, is the day Sophie dies.

Then suddenly golden light shot out of Sophie's dead body. Tam dragged me away from Sophie. I didn't care that it was ruining my gown.

I was scared for my life. 

Suddenly I saw Sophie's eyes rip open. she looked at Keefe. 

"Keefe?" she asked. 

Keefe opened his eyes. They were the size of the dinner plates at everglen (Humongous).

"SOPHIE!" Everyone screamed.

"Keefe?" She asked again.

"Sophie?" He asked it like he couldn't believe it. 

"Keefe, what the heck is going on?" Sophie asked

Keefe laid down next to her. it sounds gross but it was really cute.

I wanted to shout "We're here too you know!!!" 

but when I opened my mouth, Tam put his hand over my mouth. 

he leaned close. "let them have their moment Bee." He whispered in my ear.

he removed his hand from my mouth and then looked at it. 

"How much lipstick do you wear?" He whispered to me. He showed me his hand, which had an imprint of my lips on it in the lipstick I was wearing. 

I turned red. "A lot" I answered.

Tam laughed quietly. 

Grady, Edaline, My mom, My dad, And Elwin all leaped off somewhere. probably the healing center. 

"When did my parents and Grady and Edaline get here?" I asked. 

Tam shrugged.

"WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Keefe cried. He ran around in circles. and Tried to do a cartwheel but ended up on his back.

We all started celebrating. I would've done a cartwheel, but I didn't want to flash everyone. that would've gotten awkward fast. 

I celebrated with everyone. 

"Wait," I said. "Sophie's in the healing center."

"TO THE HEALING CENTER!!!!!" Keefe shouted. 

We all leaped to the healing center.

I lingered a minute.

"SOPHIE FOSTER LIVES ON!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted after everyone left for the healing center. And then I held up my healing center crystal to the light and leaped away.

In the original script, there wasn't a Biana POV. But I thought it would be cool to see it from someone else's POV. I think this turned out pretty good though. (PS I'm also a huge Tiana shipper.)  

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