Chapter 10

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Sophie didn't scream. She didn't know why. Lady Gisela was right there in her room.

"Now." Lady Gisela said. "You might want to come with me."

Sophie and Keefe immediately followed her.

"What's happening?" Sophie asked.

"I drugged your food." Lady Gisela said. "Now sleep."

Sophie and Keefe fell to the ground, unconscious. 

*a little while later*

Sophie felt around the cold stone floor.

She could barely think. 

Everything felt foggy and cloudy. 

She groaned. 

Something felt tight around her wrists.

Sophie's thoughts became unclouded. 

She slowly sat up.

"You're awake." She heard a voice next to her say. 

She turned toward the voice. It was Keefe.

He was leaning against the wall. He had his wrists chained to the wall.

She tried to run toward him but something was holding her back.

She realized her wrists were chained to the wall too.

Sophie tried to pull the chains off the wall.

"I've already tried to break the chains, Break down the door, Run to you, I've tried to break the wall, the floor, the ceiling,  but everything is made of like five layers of rocks," Keefe said.

"How long have we been in here?" Sophie asked.

Keefe shrugged. "I have no idea."

Sophie looked around the room. No way out. There was a door, but it was made of heavy stone.

Her eyes landed on Keefe's knuckles. They were bleeding. badly.

"What happened?" Sophie asked.

"Trying to break through literally everything here," Keefe said.

Sophie looked for something that Keefe could wrap his knuckles. She tore off the bottom piece of her shirt. She threw it to Keefe.

Keefe grabbed it and wrapped his knuckles.

They sat there for a while. 

Keefe kept fidgeting with his knuckles. 

"If you keep fidgeting it will get worse Keefe," Sophie said. 

She looked around the circular room. 

Then the big heavy door creaked open. 

Lady Gisela stepped in.

Sophie leapt at Lady Gisela.

"Be still, child." Lady Gisela said.

"NO!" Sophie said. "I'm not your child!" 

Sophie fought against the drug.

Sophie felt pain shoot through her body.

Sophie screamed in pain. 

"If you stop resisting the pain will go away."

"NO!" Sophie said. "I will never stop resisting."

"BE STILL." Lady Gisela commanded.

"NO!" Sophie screamed. 

More pain shot through her. 

Sophie was crying now.

The pain was becoming unbearable.

"I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING YOU!!!" Sophie screamed.

"BE. STILL. NOW!!!!!!" 


So much pain shot through Sophie.


"I WON'T!!!!"

Sophie heard Her chains clank behind her.

She became blind with rage.

She heard Keefe screaming beside her.

"SOPHIE! DON'T!" Keefe screamed.

But it was too late.

"NO!" Sophie screamed again.

Sophie felt pure black hate grow in her heart. 

Sophie felt herself slipping away. Her humanity. Her love. Her kindness. Her compassion. She felt everything that made her a human slipping away.

The rage was taking over. 

She was on her hands and knees.

She tried not to let the rage take over. 

But it was winning. 

Then. Everything was red. 

She broke her chains.

All she could feel was black hate.

Nothing else. 

She tried to call out for help.

Nothing could stop her now. 

"SOPHIE!!!" She heard Keefe scream. "STOP!"

Sophie screamed.

She couldn't escape.

Everything was shut down.

She felt people pinning her down. She just kicked them off.

Everything was a loud cluttered mess. 

There was no going back. 

Sophie had no choice. She inflicted on everyone around her.

Sophie screamed again.

"STOP SOPHIE!" A voice said. 

Sophie screamed as loud as she possibly could. 

She punched the ground beneath her. 

She kept punching the floor.

She felt an arm wrap around her.

She fought against everything around her.

She tried to fight against whoever was holding her down. She struggled.

"Foster." They said. "It's time to be done." 

She felt the rage leaving her as she screamed one last time.

But replacing the rage was sadness. 

She broke down in sadness. 

She was still on her hands and knees. 

She leaned against whoever was holding her. She cried hard. 

"Let it all out." 

Sophie finally stopped crying.

She looked up.

Keefe sat there cradling her. 

"There's the Foster I love," he said.

"Just sleep." A voice said.

This time Sophie obeyed. 

I got so emotional writing this.
I feel like I made this chapter too short...

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