Chapter 4

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"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Sophie screamed. 

It couldn't be. Keefe's sanity had never been cracked before. And so many traumatic events in his life that could've caused a break. But it didn't. Unless he was like Alden. he fought for his friends, but when he saw Sophie die, it made his sanity crack. 

But Sophie wouldn't know unless she read his mind.

And she could fix it... maybe. 

Wait... was Edaline... crying?

Grady was too. 

Elwin looked like he might start crying.

Sophie looked over at Keefe. Elwin was still flashing light around his head

Sophie sat up, then regretted it, when she had a huge head rush. 

"I need to fix him," Sophie said.

"That's the problem," Grady said. "You're not strong enough yet."

"But I can fix him!" Sophie said.

"We know you can," Edaline said, finally looking up. "But you can barely sit up without a head rush."

"How long have I been out exactly?" Sophie asked.

"Two weeks," Grady said, quietly. 

"I'm going to fix him," Sophie said.

"You can try." Elwin said, "But there's a chance that it could set back your recovery back."

"I'll take that risk," Sophie said. "When did you start."

"Day three," Elwin replied. "When your recovery was set back from... a complication."

"Well, you're going to need assistance." A crisp accented voice said from the doorway. Sophie turned to the door. It was Fitz. "We're still cognates."

Fitz was leaning against the doorway with Biana by his side. 

Biana ran over and hugged Sophie tight. 

"Thank goodness you're awake." 

"Another reason I hate Sedatives." 

"Elwin was going to wake you on day three, but..." Biana didn't finish.


"We'll tell you another time," Elwin said. "For now we have to focus on Keefe." 

Sophie took a deep breath.

She stood up from the cot.

She wobbled as the blood rushed to her head. Biana caught her before she could fall though.

Sophie knelt beside Keefe. 

Fitz did the same.

She sucked in a breath. It was really hard seeing Keefe like this. Lying on the floor, unconscious.

Sophie took a deep breath for luck. 

Fitz and Sophie placed two fingers on Keefe's temples. And they grabbed hands.

They entered Keefe's mind.

His mind was like a shell—a dark shell of darkness.

KEEFE! Sophie transmitted. KEEFE!! COME BACK!!

No reply.


And Fitz! Fitz transmitted.

Ignore him! Sophie transmitted.



If a mental voice could sigh, then Fitz might have had the loudest sigh she had ever heard.

a spark of light ignited. like a flame. 

Sophie led it to the nook.

Where'd you go? Fitz transmitted.

The nook. Sophie replied. I don't think you'll be able to follow me into it though.

Sophie led Keefe to the nook.

She focused on an emotion that had held Keefe together: Love.

She inflicted so much. but it barely made the fire grow.

Was Keefe so shattered, that he couldn't be saved?

Sophie pushed the thought out of her mind. She tried another emotion: Happiness.

The same thing happened, no matter how much she inflicted.

So she tried excitement.


Please Keefe! Sophie transmitted. Come back to me!

She revisited her earlier question.

She didn't think Keefe was coming back this time...

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