Linh's POV : part 2

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fresh air was all I wanted.

I was still conscious even as the tentacle pulled me down. 

Of course, there was a point where I did pass out.

I have no idea how I didn't die. 

I could remember the tentacle pulling me down.






I don't remember going back up.

But I knew that someone must've pulled me up.

Because I sat up and started coughing.

It sounded like someone was arguing going on.

"Thank goodness you're okay," Biana said, hugging me after my coughing fit had passed. 

I took a second to figure out what was around me.

I was back on the grassy cliff.

Mischief and Brave were gone. thank goodness. 

Fitz, Tam, and Biana were there.  

Tam looked like he was arguing with Fitz. 

"I could've pulled her out myself!" Fitz shouted.

"NO, You couldn't!" Tam shouted. "You almost drowned trying to pull her out of the water." 

"No, I wasn't!" 

"Yes, you were!" 


"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Was not!"

"Was too! HEY! You tricked me!"

"HA! I just got you to admit it!"

Were they so wrapped up arguing that they didn't notice I gained consciousness?

I coughed again, this time I spat out a lot of water.

Fitz and Tam noticed me. Tam runs over and hugs me. 

"Thank goodness you're okay!" Tam says. 

"I swear I'm going to kill that Kraken!" Fitz shouted.

Fitz walked over to the edge of the cliff. "YOU HEAR ME YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING  ***********-"

Fitz kept cursing the Kraken for a while

Biana helped me on my feet.

I hear a splash, quickly followed by another. 

I look over to the cliff. Fitz isn't standing there anymore.

And I couldn't see Tam anywhere. 

Me and Biana both walk over to the edge of the cliff. 

Tam and Fitz were down below in the water. 

They were arguing again. 

Me and Biana shared a look.

"What is that?" Biana asked.

It looked like a huge blob floating through the water. and it was going toward Fitz and Tam.

The closer it got, the more it looked like a Kraken. 

"GUYS!" I screamed. They didn't notice me.

They were too busy yelling at each other and shoving each other underwater. 

I looked at Biana. 

"I can't believe I'm about to do this," Biana said. She jumped off onto the cliff and into the water.

I couldn't believe that None of them had thought of telekinesis.

I lifted them all out of the water with telekinesis.

I brought them back on land.

"Huh," Fitz said. "Why didn't I think of telekinesis?"

"Because you're an idiot with two brain cells fighting for third place." Tam shot back.

"You didn't think of it either!"

I looked back out.

The Kraken was still right there.

I looked closer.

I gasped. 

I ran to the cliff's edge to see if what I saw was true. 

I took in a huge breath and jumped off the cliff. 

I swam to the kraken.

I looked beneath it.

There was a chain holding down the Kraken!

I looked at the chain.

It looked really old. 

I looked at the tentacle that the chain connected to. The chain was connected to a ring that was put onto the kraken. 

I swam up to the ring.

There was a clip on the ring.

I tried pulling it apart. 

I blasted it with water. 

I tried pulling it.

It started moving slowly.

The Kraken moves the opposite way.

And sure enough, It moves. Very slowly.

I heard a splash and saw Biana swimming down toward me.

She starts pulling off the thing with me. 

I go up and breathe.

Then I go back down. 

Eventually, we pull off the ring. 

The Kraken Starts to swim off. 

I notice one of his tentacles is curled. 

He turns around. 

He uncurls the tentacle, realeasing to glass Boxes.

He swims away.

Me and Biana approach the boxes.

Two unconscious bodies are inside. 

The two unconscious bodies of Sophie and Keefe.

I'm going way off script. I should start going back on script...
Sorry I haven't updated. I've had a busy month...

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