Chapter 9

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"Where is everyone?" Sophie asked when they arrived at Havenfield. "No one's here."

"They're probably inside," Keefe said, leading Sophie inside.

When they walked in everyone was in the living room. 

"SURPRISE!!!!" Everyone shouted. 

Sophie stood there wide-eyed. 

Edaline came out of the kitchen with a huge tray of mallowmelt. 

"What's going on?" Sophie asked.

"Well ask Keefe," Grady said.

Sophie turned and looked at Keefe. 

"What?" Sophie said. "Well, since I got a magical do-over moment that was twelve times better than I had originally planned, and since the Gnomes have some work to do, I thought it would be fun if we could celebrate."

Long story short, there was a lot of fizzeberry wine and a lot of talking, some passing out (Keefe) and some screaming (Sophie), and some kissing (Tam and Biana), And eventually everyone went home. 

Sophie and Keefe helped Grady and Edaline clean up.

"Sophie, Keefe, You guys will sleep in Sophie's room," Edaline said. 

"Good night Mom, good night Dad," Sophie said, hugging Grady and Edaline. "See you in the morning."

"And there will be mallowmelt when you wake up," Edaline said. 

"YES!!!" Keefe said. "MALLOWMELT!!!!!!!!!!!" 

Edaline laughed. 

"Where'd Grady go?" Sophie asked. 

"I have no idea," Edaline said.

"Good night," Sophie said, she dashed up to her room, and Keefe was right behind her.

Sophie got into her PJs (In the bathroom obviously) And Keefe got into his. 

They both got into bed. 

Sophie tried to sleep but a question burned in her mind.

"Keefe, What happened?" Sophie asked, sitting up

"What do you mean?" Keefe said, sitting up

"In the healing center," Sophie said.

"A lot happened in the healing center."

"What happened on day three that set back my recovery so much?"

Keefe stayed silent.

"Not you too," Sophie said, flopping back onto her pillow.

"What do you mean?" 

"No one ever tells me anything," Sophie said. 

"Like what?"

"Like what happened on day three, what happened while I was healing your mind, And I know you have a theory, And where our bodyguards are! I haven't seen them since we graduated! And I know you now."

"Okay, I do know something," Keefe said. "But you're going to be incredibly mad at me."


"On day three, in the healing center, you had a random seizure. no one could figure out why. And then they learned that it took a huge toll on your recovery, And No one knows where our bodyguards are."

"What about what happened during my healing of your mind?" Sophie asked.

"That was my fault," Keefe said.


"My mind's slowly been cracking since..." Keefe looked like he was in deep thought. "I think it was when you got kidnapped."

"WHAT!" Sophie said. "And you didn't tell me!"

"I've been fighting it every day," Keefe said. "And I didn't want to tell you because there was so much going on."

"I could've easily healed you!" Sophie said. "It would've taken Like... five minutes!" 

"I know..." Keefe said. "But let's just get some sleep."

"Be quiet," Sophie said.

"Are you that mad at me?" Keefe said.

"No," Sophie said getting out of the bed, and went to the corner of her room and sat down. She motioned for Keefe to come over. "I found out that being directly above Grady and Edaline has some perks."

Sophie pealed up some of the carpet, to reveal a small hole in her floor. 

"They know where Lady Gisela is." Sophie heard Grady say. "But we can't find her we found a note that said she wants to see Sophie and Keefe."

"But she'll kill them!" Edaline said.

"I know, and we're trying to find an alternative."

"leave a note and say that she'll have to come find them and that it won't be that easy."

"You want to sacrifice our daughter and her boyfriend?"

"No. But then we can guard them."


"It might work."

Sophie covered the hole in her floor back up with her carpet.

"Lady Gisela is after us, Keefe," Sophie said. "Again."

"And now they have to find our bodyguards." Keefe said.

"Okay," Sophie said leaning against the wall. "I think... that maybe... No..."


"I think your mom wants to get the Neverseen back together."

"What I want with you two is much worse." A voice said from the window. 

Sophie and Keefe looked at the window. Lady Gisela was Standing in Sophie's room. the window was open behind her. 

"Now you both might want to come with me." Lady Gisela said. 

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