•chapter 7•

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He was a fucking asshole.

A dead set, asshole.

The hot water attacked your battered skin, and you groan as you welcomed it.

At least he let you shower.

You couldn't get over him in his casual outfit. The black tee shirt and the track pants. You nearly started to drool when you entered his quarters and saw him standing with the glass of whisky.

He was so handsome.


You were still in pain from your ordeal this morning with one of the care givers. Mostly your back and your legs from trying to kick him away. After washing your hair you sunk to the floor, the cool tiles biting at your tender skin as you lent against the wall and brought your knees to your chest.

You're never going to get out of here. The Resistance haven't even come for you. You would have thought Jackson had already made a plan to get together a small group of fighters to come rescue you. But nothing had happened. And you didn't think anything would. At least not for a while.

The thought of being stuck on Star Killer with Kylo Ren made your heart ache.

But the thought of Kylo Ren made you ache elsewhere. You had never had these feelings until meeting him. You felt empty, like you were missing something. And every time you were around him, it only grew stronger.

When he had you against the wall it was driving you crazy. You wanted him, but you didn't want to admit that, to him or to yourself.

How stupid am I to think being with the Supreme Leader is a good idea?

But the thought of his muscular build, those eyes, those fucking eyes, and that scar...

The ache between your legs was back, and you squeeze your thighs together, but it was no use; instead it clenched, wanting attention.

You bite your lip before opening your legs slightly, your hand travelling down your stomach towards the heat between your legs. Your fingers grazed along your slit, the wetness from your sex coating your fingers.

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in as you slowly stroked yourself in small circles, wishing it was Kylo doing it instead.

The thought of him pinning you against the wall flooded your brain again and you let out a soft moan before covering your mouth with your free hand, hoping Kylo didn't hear you.

Your head rolled back against the shower wall as hot water continued to cascade over your body as you slowly began working a finger inside of you. You shut your eyes and bite at your palm to try and quiet yourself but a strangled moan left your throat once again.

Please don't hear me.

The warmth pooling in your belly grew as you pictured Kylo pleasuring you against the wall while you held onto his muscular shoulders. His lips pressed to your throat, his hot breath against your ear.

Fuck, Kylo.

As you slowly came closer to your orgasm, you felt something against your clit, a small vibration. You clamped your eyes shut and continued stroking inside yourself, your legs beginning to shake from the overwhelming pleasure that was occurring between your legs.

That mother fucker. He knew.

He knew what you were doing, and he was helping you.

You were contemplating on stopping seeing as he technically caught you jacking off to him, but you were so close, and you didn't want to stop. You couldn't. The pressure on your clit only grew and you whimpered into your hand.

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