•chapter 32•

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A/N: This is the second last chapter. It will contain smut, extreme violence, blood and gore.

I know I haven't done this before, but I feel like 'Iridecent' by Linkin Park fits this chapter. There's heaps of others but I don't know. For some reason this song just reminds me of Kylo. I made a whole 3-4 min edit of him with this song and I cried in my room for a solid 2 hours after.

This is nearly 11k words and I'm publishing this at stupid hours of the morning. So if there's typos ignore them please x

Anyways, I love you guys ❤️

The snow fell softly across StarKiller base.

You laid in bed and watched as snow flakes floated from the sky, blanketing the tall trees and the weaponry that was visible outside Kylo's window. You could never get over how beautiful it was. The whole time you had been part of the First Order, you have never ventured outside into the cold of StarKiller.

Part of you always wanted to.

The thought of snow made your body shiver ever so slightly, and strong arms wrapped around your torso. A small sigh left Kylo's chest as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck.

He was still fast asleep.

It was nearly 0500, and for some reason you were wide awake. For the passed hour you had been awake, an uneasy feeling pooling in your gut. You didn't know why you had this feeling, but it was strange. You felt so calm, but something was wrong.

You reached down and interlocked your fingers with Kylo's. With Kylo beside you, it was starting to make you feel a little better, but it kept prodding your brain. You didn't know what you were feeling. But it wasn't good.

Kylo shifted behind you, his lips pressed gently against the nape of your neck.

"Why are you awake baby?" He mumbled into your neck.

"Sorry," you squeezed his hand. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't answer my question," he sighed.

You swallowed thickly and turned over to face him. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw his face. The moonlight lit his pale skin. It was as if he was glowing underneath the light. His ebony locks were mused with sleep, and his gorgeous dark eyes searched your face. You reached up and gently run your thumb down his scar.

"I love you." Your voice was soft. "I just have this bad feeling in my gut." You frowned. "Like somethings wrong."

He leant down and pressed his lips to yours in a soft, single kiss.

"And I love you. I won't let anything happen to you." He pressed another kiss against your forehead. "Not while I'm here." He nudged you onto your back and leant over you, his lips pressing softly against your neck. A sigh left your chest as Kylo's hand brushed over your bare breast, your nipple peaking underneath his touch.

With each kiss, Kylo slowly took your anxiety away. The more he kissed and caressed you, the more you were able to forget about what you were feeling. At least for just a moment.

Your lips worked against his, your hands finding their way into his hair. You tugged on the long strands gently as you deepened the kiss, and a soft moan left his throat.

His large hand travelled slowly down your body, gently caressing you as he hovered above you. Eventually his hand came to rest between your legs.

A small gasp left your throat, and instinctively, you rolled your hips into the palm of his hand.

"Tell me you want this Princess." He breathed against your neck.

When the pad of his thumb brushed over your clit and whimper escaped your lips. "Please. I want you Kylo." You parted your legs ever so slightly.

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