•chapter 9•

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"We are getting a fleet together to head to Canto Bight tomorrow,"

I have been sitting in this meeting for well over an hour and I haven't been paying much attention. All I know is that we're heading to Canto Bight to try and intercept The Resistance.

"Commander Ren?" Hux's annoying voice bounced off the walls of his office.

"Yes, General. We need to intercept and not allow them to gain access to new weaponry. We know what Canto Bight is capable of producing, especially for us."  I leant back in my chair to relieve some of the tension in my back.

My mind kept wandering to Princess, how she felt last night when I made her cum around my fingers, how she dug her nails into me and wouldn't let go, how she pulled my hair and moaned my name.


"Sir, if I might add," Hux began as he smoothed out his uniform. "I think we should bring the girl."

I felt my stomach drop.


She'll only try and get away, especially if she knows The Resistance are there.

"We can use her to help draw out any Resistance. Then we kill them." Hux sat down in his chair.

He has a point.

"I'll think about it. We don't know if we can trust her yet. If I bring her I'll be bringing my Knights to watch her." I said before standing up. "Is this meeting over, General?"

He hesitated for a moment. "Yes, but I don't think we'll be needing your Knights," he stuttered.

"Because you're scared of them?" I tilted my head, a smirk splayed on my lips underneath my helmet. I needed to get it off.

"No, Commander. I just don't think it's necessary to drag them along." He tapped his fingers on his desk. "Besides, I doubt she'll stray far from you anyways."

"She can be full of surprises," I mumbled. I needed her.

This morning I was expecting her to bring up what happened the previous night, but I just hadn't worked out an answer for her. How could I tell her I was starting to feel a connection of some sort to her? I'm not sure if it was something to do with the Force, or much more, but if I ever mentioned that it'll show her I'm weak, and it'll only give her ammunition for firing bullets at me.

I did it because I knew she wanted it. I could feel the pleasure and the longing radiating off her from behind the bathroom door. The soft moans that filled the bathroom made it pretty clear what she was doing, and why she was doing it.

Every time I was around her I could feel her longing for me. And it gave me feelings that I never felt before. I was struggling to control myself when I fingered her. Watching myself in the mirror as I pleasured her had me rock hard, but I wasn't going to make her do anything she wasn't ready for. She was already flustered and embarrassed as it was, I wasn't going to ram my cock down her throat for the sake of it, although I really wanted to.

"We'll be departing at 1200, dismissed."

"Yes, General." I said before stalking out of his office.

It was nearly 1700, nearly time to turn in for the night. Princess would already be finished.

I so desperately wanted to see her, but at the same time I didn't know if I could control myself around her. Today during her lunch break I just had to show her. Show her what she's doing to me. And she's so unaware. Her innocence was driving me insane.

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