•chapter 11•

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Warning: this chapter contains smut, proceed with caution.

It had been a week since you last saw Kylo. And you were glad. He had some work to do on Tatooine, you weren't sure what he was there for.

You stayed on StarKiller, completing your usual duties. You finally felt like you were getting into routine on StarKiller. Every morning you'd wake up, have breakfast, find Noah and work with him and chat absolute nonsense for most of the day. You'd have your lunch break with Lexa, and hang out with her once your shift ended.

It has been a pretty quiet week without Kylo being there. And you actually enjoyed it. You didn't feel suffocated every day, you felt free in a sense. Like you didn't have to walk on eggshells. You could just do your job and not have any distractions.

Although, you managed to still miss him.

Only a little.

After the incident last week where he just left you covered in his cum, you felt degraded. Like you were nothing but a release for him. And you hated it. You wished he could just lower his walls and let you in, show you the real him and not just some power hungry man in a mask.

You wanted him to act towards you like he did when he fingered you, afterwards he was soft and caring towards you. But the last time you saw him he left you on the floor, not even bothering to help clean you up or even allow you to finish yourself.

"Are you going to eat your dinner or just keep poking your food?" Lexa gazed at your across the metal table.

"Uh, yeah," your cheeks heated as you brought the cold vegetable to your mouth.

"What's on your mind?" She tilted her head, her dark hair cascading around her shoulders.

You stilled and felt your cheeks heat. There's no way you could tell anyone about what you and Kylo were up to behind closed doors, not even Lexa.

"Oh nothing," you swallowed your food, "just tired,"

She pursed her lips. "You're lying,"

"I'm not!" You laugh, trying to get her off your back. "It's nothing I'm honestly just tired. Me and Noah went over six TIE fighters today."

"Hm," She brought her fork to her mouth. "Right," she finished off her food before pushing her tray aside. "Did you want to hit the bar tonight? I have tomorrow off."

You placed your cutlery down and stacked your tray on top of hers. "Sure. I need a drink." You sighed.

You needed to try and get Kylo off your mind. Almost every night you found yourself masturbating to him. It was embarrassing, how much you wanted him. How much you longed for him. You didn't know when he was coming back, and you were starting to grow frustrated from not being able to see him.

"Alright, well lets go." She stood up and smoothed out her uniform. "I think Noah is already in there with his boyfriend." She smiled.

You stood up and rolled your shoulders back to relieve the soreness in your back and neck.

"Actually, I'll meet you there, I might have a shower and get changed. I stink of engine oil," you pushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "I'll be quick." You smiled as you both made your way to the exit of the cafeteria.

"Alright, don't keep me waiting," she winked as she walked in the opposite direction towards her quarters which was where majority of the nurses and other medical staff were situated.

As you walked down the long hallways, you pull your hair out of the pony tail it had been in all day. You had a headache from it being so tight and neat to fit The First Order's expectations for presentation. You run your fingers through your hair, raking your fingers through your scalp to try and release some of the tension from your ridiculously tight pony tail.

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