•chapter 10•

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Warning this chapter will contain smut and some physical/emotional abuse.

You woke with a start. Your mind was fuzzy and slow. Your head pounded and your ears were ringing.

You sat up and realised you were back in your quarters. What happened? The last thing you remember was seeing Rey and Kylo circling one another, trying to advance with their sabers.

Were The First Order successful in retrieving more weaponry? Why were the Resistance there? Why didn't they help me?

It's been over a week and they still haven't tried to get me out of The First Order's grasp.

It hurt, knowing that they haven't done anything. You knew Princess Leia wouldn't leave you, but it was starting to feel like the Resistance was neglecting you.

Canto Bight was pretty, from what you can remember. The dazzling golden lights, the air traffic, the beach...

Your heart sunk because you didn't get to stay the night there and experience the city life.

You stood up and steadied yourself as the room started to spin slightly. Your body ached, probably from Kylo's force hold on you he had on you before you blacked out.

Speaking of Kylo, where was he?

You pulled yourself together before slowly creeping outside your quarters. The hallway was littered with crew and the air was crisp.

You hadn't noticed the large black mass standing on the outside of your door, off to the side.

It was one of Kylo's Knights.

All of a sudden your heart started to pound against your ribcage. It was the Knight that grabbed you whilst on Canto Bight. Vicrul.

He was menacing. Almost as tall as Kylo, but definitely not as broad. But he was still terrifying to look at, and being in his presence made you feel uneasy.

"I got told to watch you." A deep voice leaked out from under the dark helmet. The black metal catching the light of the LEDs.

"I don't need watching," your voice was strained. "Where is Kylo? Did Rey kill him?"

"No, and he's still in the cockpit with General Hux."

Well that was unfortunate.


"Did he kill Rey?"


Oh thank god. "Right, well I'm going to go find-"

"I suggest you stay in your quarters, Commander Ren isn't in a good mood."

You laugh. "Is he ever?" You tilted your head. Vicrul stayed quiet. "Anyways, like I said, I'm going to go find him."

"Good luck then," was all he said before walking away from me.

What was Kylo upset about now? Maybe because he couldn't kill Rey. You knew Rey would make it hard from him and you were relieved that she was still alive.

You and Rey were friends, not exactly close, but you always had time for her and she always had time for you. You missed her, and seeing her at Canto Bight warmed and broke your heart all at the same time. You missed home, you missed your Resistance friends and family. The only family you had left was Princess Leia, you saw her as your mother after your parents were killed in the hangar by The First Order.

And now you were apart of them; The First Order.

You quietly make your way down the long hallway and rounded the corner to head towards the cockpit of the Finaliser.

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