Author Note

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Hey guys, it my first time to write Avatar The Last Air Bender. And don't be surprise if it was grammatical errors since i'm still beginner. 🤧

By the way, I keep their original ages, absolutely nothing happens between them sexually, what-so-ever, if anyone even suggests I should add it I'm going to riot. They. Are. Minors.

By the way. It will be slow-burn. Don't expect they will automatic click they will be like... You know in relationship. It will be sounds like it was force one.

It might be possibilities that I will wrote something so cringe... 😅

And also... I just feel suddenly hyper about writing this story. To does who read my Story called 'The Extra || H.P fan fiction' Sorry guys for not updating too long now, because I lost my paper that I wrote that supposed to be next chapters soon. (I wanted to cry by the way it because it was 24 to 28 chapters that I lost it. So I apologize in Advance for being clumsy writer. 🤧😆)

Now, thanks for reading ✨✒️📜

Now, thanks for reading ✨✒️📜

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April 28, 2024

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