Chapter 2: Aᵐᵘˢⁱⁿᵍ Pʳᵃⁿᵏ Aⁿᵈ Tʰᵉ Cⁱᵗʸ Oᶠ Gᵃᵒˡⁱⁿᵍ

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Third P.O.V.

"HAHHAHAHAHAHA!" Tora laughing so hard on what he witness on y/n's prank towards the bandits. After all, they really did a pretty good job to act like a ghost as if they were in horror movie.

"You really having too much fun, Tora." Y/n says in amused as they already tied up the 4 bandits in flat wood they place them in cart wheel as they start pulling in.

"HOW CANNOT? IT WAS MAGNIFICENT I EVER WETNESS WITH MY OWN EYES! THEY WERE SO TERRIFIED OF YOU, OLD ENISH!" As then Tora once again roar laughter as he floats follow y/n going in Gaoling this night.

Y/n just casual pull them as if it was light as a feather. Who would thought a 4 years old just pulling some rope with a group of 4 grown man? Of course, no one gonna believe it until someone going to witness.

Just few minutes ago...

The group of bandits were never aware of the kid nearby, considering the location was pretty dark for them to see as they where holding a one torch.

Y/n kept her body low as keeping herself hidden as she move silently while she approach them, taking advantage of their lack of awareness. Her movements were also concealed in the darkness as she come closer to them.

Y/n thought something a good idea for pranking the bandits as now she proceeds do something terrifying one. She started to making a weird noises like a clicking sounds making one of the 4 bandits snap out a bit as he looks around.

"Did you guys heard that?!" he whisper in yell. The middle 20's man asked with some eyepath on his left eye.

"Of course, we did you fool! What are we? A deaf?" A sarcastic replies coming from a mascular guy as he looks 20's as well and pretty tan.

They look around nervously as they try to search where the weird clicking sounds as if it wasn't normal human coming from as one of them holding a torch.

Suddenly, one of the short guy froze in his spot as he looks a bit pretty shaking making them notice their ally as if their friend seeing something terrifying making them more nervous and confused.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!" the mascular guy whisper in yell to him as he was so confused.

"T-The child!"


"What child?"

"THAT KID!" he repeat once again as he pointing the direction that where bit pretty dark to see making one of them hold the torch as he make slightly extended his shoulder to see.

They see a kid with their good robes they where wearing as they can't see the kid face consider how half covering with a scarf, once again, they start making a weird sounds coming from y/n.

"What...... the....... Spirits-" one of the bandits barely managed to finish his cursed word as he witness the young Y/n's body starting to slowly disfigured her own joints and head-tilting her head back in terrifying way.

The young Y/n was already terrifying enough with just her clicking sound alone. Now with the way she changed her body, there was no single way for these bandits couldn't be terrified out of their minds by this.

[A/n: Just imagine the last of us. The clickers sounds zombie, Y/n's make 👀✨]

They witness that the body of the child was continue slowly dislocates their both shoulder even their arm making giving them a grotesque appearance, looking as now they slowly make back bend slowly before she sudden crawls towards them in weird way.

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