Chapter 6 : Eˣᵖʳᵉˢˢ Oᵘᵗ

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Y/n P.O.V.

After 2 years, 4 months.

After event that happened back then. Almost everyday, I was invite by family beifong's, because I became friends with toph. When I meet toph's parents just last week as they want to talk to me, just us, they offer me a gold coins becoming as a toph best friend making myself shook.

I was really surprise they offer me like that. Now I wonder why Toph acting in the movie was like have a trust issues back then.

Of course, I decline their offer and I told them politely that I was genuine wanted to be friend with Toph without exchanging something.

Glady they where happy about it. And today, I was training in near cave, but I was underneath tree while upside down as I try push-up. As Tora, he was wondering around somewhere.

"130... 131... 132..." I mumbled myself as I count.

I was so focused with my training that I didn't immediately realize that I was being watched.


Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards me.


I kept going with my counting, didn't bother to look who's coming towards me.


I could hear the footsteps stopping, whoever they was was probably watching me doing training while being upside down.


Suddenly I felt something poking my head, just on top of my hair. I finally look up, slightly surprised by the interruption.

And I saw Toph standing right in front of me, leaning slightly near the tree trunk while staring at me with amused expression.

"What are you doing?" Toph asked with a smirk on her face.

"Training." I casually replied with nonchalant tone, not pausing my exercises at all.

Toph chuckled amusedly at my answer, clearly still surprised by my upside down push up.

"Yeah, I could see that." She said sarcastically.

After that I didn't say anything for a moment as I continued training, and Toph stayed silent as she just observed me do push up, upside down. Until she spoke up again.

"How long have you been doing this exactly?" Toph suddenly asked curiously.

"I think for like two hours now?" I replied casually as I kept on counting.

"And you're still not tired at all?" She asked, still suprised by my stamina.

"Well, I can feel my arms starting get a little numb by now." I replied, still being honest.

Then she chuckled amusedly again at my answer, still slightly surprised by my stamina.

"You're really crazy, you know that right?" She said with sarcastic amused tone.

"What? I like to keep myself active." I answered, with a playful grin on my face.

"By the way. I was surprise you where here. You know your not allowed to go outside." I added in curious and a bit concerned after all her father was so strict about her.

Toph groaned in annoyed manner, clearly she was still upset with her parents' rules.

"Yeah, I know." Toph replied with slightly annoyed tone, she leaned her back against the tree trunk.

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