Chapter 8 : Tᵘᵗᵒʳⁱⁿᵍ Tᵒᵖʰ

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The Next Day ✨🍃☀️

Y/n P.O.V.

"Y/n, the Beifong's once again inviting you in their home." Aunt Esha told me while I was in my room practicing writing in Chinese language. Even I can read them, I'm not good at writing at all.

"Okay, aunty Esha." I replied before I fix my things before start changing my casual robes in a bit formal one. After all, I'm getting used to it to wear.

As then I grab the braille alphabet that I made it my own. I carefully place the braille alphabet I made into my bag before heading out.

I was hoping I'm not gonna meeting, top's father lao and hearing his ranting about his daughter.

As then I came out as I greet my mother's telling them I'm going to Toph's home.

Right now, Tora wasn't with me. He was wondering around in the forest for now in this 10 am.

In few minutes...

Gladly, I arrive at Beifong's home as I was stood outside waiting the one guard to opened up the wooden gate. After all even how many times I came, I still amaze how traditional their Chinese home look like.

After all, the location in their home such as a beautiful garden out front and the dojo where Master Yu would've attempted to instruct Toph Beifong in her Earthbending training, before discover how powerful she was in the future.

The guard bows respectfully to me as he opens the gate, and I thank him with a nod.

As I approach the main house, I can see Toph's mom doing her own thing, as she was looking through garden.

As then I came to her mom named, Poppy. As I bow to greet her.

Poppy Beifong is a graceful and refined woman, with sharp features and a commanding presence. She smiles warmly at me, returning my bow with a nod of her own.

"Y/n, it's good to see you again." She says in a smooth, cultured voice.

"Thank you for inviting me, Madam Beifong," I reply politely, returning her smile.

She motions for me to come closer, and I follow her over to a small table set up in the garden. She gestures for me to sit down on one of the chairs, and then takes a seat across from me.

"Please, call me Poppy," she says, her tone hospitable. "We're practically family by now, aren't we?"

I smile at her invitation to use her given name. It's a sign that I've earned her trust and approval, and it's a privilege I don't take lightly.

"Of course, Poppy," I reply, trying out her name on my tongue for the first time. It feels strange, yet comfortable to use her given name.

She smiles, clearly pleased. "I'm glad to hear you say that. You've become quite the frequent visitor here, haven't you?"

"I have," I admit, a little sheepishly. "I hope I'm not intruding too much."

Poppy laughs softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, you're hardly intruding. Toph adores having you around, and I must admit, I enjoy your company as well."

I smile at her words, feeling a warm glow spread through me. It's nice to know that I'm welcomed here, and not just tolerated.

"I enjoy being here," I say honestly. "Spending time with Toph is always a pleasure."

Poppy nods in agreement. "Yes, she's quite taken with you. She talks about you all the time."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "She does?"

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