Chapter 5 : Sᵒᶜⁱᵃˡ Eᵛᵉⁿᵗ

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Third P.O.V.

Y/n keep jogging for a moment before she then stop and start walking around a bit as she watch some old people continue having conversations and other things they doing their business.

After all they were in the streets now as they where heading home.

As then, she was thinking about when she first came here. The window status says that she was 'biological female'. She was really confused back then. She knew she was female in past lives but her status right says she was 'biological female' making her wonder if the windows was wrong.

And that time when she first got home. She came in the shower start taking off he clothes, she was shock, confused, and amused what she witness her own body even she was only 4 years old.

"Tora, are you aware I was born to be unisex?" Y/n asked Tora, since he knows the old y/n was before she possess her as reincarnated.

"Yes, I am," Tora replied, his voice calm and understanding. "The old y/n was born intersex. Her body had both male and female characteristics, which likely contributed to her unique ability to possess another person."

He floated alongside y/n as they walked, his presence a comforting constant.

Y/n nodded, still trying to wrap her mind around the revelation. It was a strange feeling knowing that her body had traits that didn't conform neatly to one sex or the other.

"I guess that explains why I've always felt a bit different," she amused. "Like I didn't quite fit in."

Tora listened intently, his eyes watching her closely.

"Intersex conditions can vary widely in their expression," Tora explained. "Not all intersex individuals have obvious mixed characteristics. Some may even appear outwardly male or female, but have different chromosomes or internal reproductive organs."

He floated a little closer to y/n, his expression sympathetic. "But it's important to remember that being intersex doesn't define who you are."

Y/n smiled softly, grateful for his words of reassurance. She knew that being intersex was just a part of her biological makeup. It didn't change who she was on the inside.

"I know," she said, her voice quieter. "It's just a little mind-boggling, you know?"

She paused a bit before she speak, "And also... I think it's cool since I'm a lesbian, and in the future if I want to have a child, I won't worried then." Y/n added in playful tone.

Tora chuckled at y/n's comment. "Ah, yes. That is another benefit."

He floated beside her, his form was really huge as he casual sit on her shoulder but y/n didn't feel heavy though. "It's good that you're embracing all aspects of yourself, including your intersex condition. It's all a part of what makes you unique and special."

Y/n chuckled softly as well, amused by Tora's lighthearted tone. She appreciated his ability to make even serious topics feel a bit lighter.

"I guess being intersex does have its perks," she mused. "Maybe I can surprise people if they ever try to assume my gender."

"That's the spirit!" Tora exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Let them make assumptions and then watch their faces when you drop the truth bomb. It'll be priceless."

"I can't wait to see it," Tora replied, his voice full of amusement. "You're going to catch so many people off guard. They won't know what hit them."

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