Chapter 7 : Aʳᵐ Wʳᵉˢᵗˡⁱⁿᵍ

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Y/n P.O.V.

3 days later...

"You know, some kids are start wanted to challenge you even they're bit older." Tora says while floating beside me. As I continue walking peeling banana's skin.

I let out a small sigh and roll my eyes. "Why does that not surprise me?" I mutter to myself. It's not the first time I've dealt with kids trying to challenge me, but sometimes it can be a tiresome thing to handle.

"Who are they this time?" I ask, looking over at Tora as I take a bite my banana.

Tora hums thoughtfully for a moment before replying. "Well, there are a few, but one of them stands out."

I raise an eyebrow, curious. "Oh? Who's that?"

"Do you remember, Wang?" Tora asked me.

I let out a scoff at the mention of Wang's name. "Unfortunately, yes," I reply, rolling my eyes. "What about him?"

Tora grins mischievously at my reaction. "It seems like he hasn't forgotten about you humbling him at the party," he says, chuckling. "He's been gunning for a fight ever since."

I roll my eyes again, but can't help but smirk a bit. "Of course he has," I mutter. "The boy's pride is more fragile than a glass vase."

"He won't stop talking about it," Tora continues, clearly entertained by the situation. "He's convinced he can beat you in a fight and restore his honor or something like that."

"Honor? Is he zoko or something?" I joke in amused

Tora laughs at my joke, clearly enjoying himself. "He might as well be," he says, chuckling. "He's got that whole 'warrior code' thing going on, especially when it comes to challenges and duels."

I shake my head, amused by Wang's inflated ego. "He's deluded himself into thinking he can take me on. He doesn't stand a chance," I say, a note of confidence in my voice.

Tora nods in agreement, a smirk on his face. "Yeah, you've beaten him before by trash talking, no problem. But Wang seems determined to prove himself. He's been bragging all over the place about how he's going to get you back for embarrassing him at the party."

"It was already 2 years ago." I replied in amused.

"Exactly!" Tora exclaims, chuckling. "He's nursing a grudge that's older than most of the kids here. It's honestly kind of pathetic."

"But unfortunately, he's got some followers who think he can actually beat you," Tora continues, his expression turning slightly serious. "They're egging him on, telling him to challenge you and prove himself. It's getting a bit annoying, to be honest."

"In arm wrestling?" I asked him in curious before I continue to eat while walking. We're now in town full of people mostly rich people.

Gladly I was wearing simple robes on it, not to flashy once. It would be annoying to deal some nobles.

"Yeah, specifically in arm wrestling," Tora replies, grinning. "Wang's got it into his head that he can beat you at arm wrestling. He's convinced himself that it's the only way he can restore his honor."

"Honor there, honor that, Yada yada." I whine as I muttered in annoyance. As I was tired hearing it about so called 'honor'. Gladly no one noticed I was talking. Since Tora was invisible, no one can hear him only me. So making I look like madwoman talking myself if they hear I was rambling.

"I know, right?" Tora agrees, also looking tired of the whole honor thing. "It's exhausting listening to him yap on about honor and pride and all that nonsense. He's turning into a broken record at this point."

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