Chapter 3 : Mᵉᵉᵗⁱⁿᵍ Y/ⁿ'ˢ Pᵃʳᵉⁿᵗˢ

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Third P.O.V.

"Well, they turned out to be worth capturing after all." Y/n said as she examine the bag of gold coins, quite surprised at how big the reward was.

"And considering they were former guards, it's not entirely impossible for them to be better in combat." She added as Tora nodded his head in agreement with y/n' point.

"Yeah, I think it's best to remain anonymous about this, considering that not everyone might believe you given the fact that you're still a kid." Tora spoke amused as he continue to float around.

Of course, the guards already make her as anonymous who capture a 4 bandits since  it would be a embarrassing for the 4 grown men pride.  Even y/n didn't tell them, the three guards make sure, no one knows about it.

Even they didn't make her anonymous, no one going to believe her. After all, she was 4 years old.

"Anyway... You really explain detail how you capture the bandits huh?" Tora added as he laughed once again.

Y/n just shook her head.

"Yeah, I guess I did. Sorry about that." Y/n replied, chuckling a bit.

"I guess I just got a bit carried away with explaining the whole thing, didn't I?" Y/n continued to speak with a amused laugh.

“Yeah, literally told them about your pranking the bandits making terrifying sounds and make an appear disfigured even your both shoulder dislocates.” Tora added as he laughed.

"Hah, I must have given quite a shock to the bandits, huh?" Y/n responded with a lighthearted chuckle.

"Maybe they're still having nightmares about the scary face that I made at them." Y/n added with a playful tone, a small grin on my face.

"And the terrifying sounds only added to the fear factor, didn't it? And besides, it's more fun that way since they would've never expected such a thing. The result was hilarious." Y/n continued to speak, laughing in a humorous tone.

"Oh yeah, it did." Tora replied with amusement.

"The bandit definitely thought it was a ghost rather than just a kid." He added with playful tone.

"Yeah... Anyway. Where did I live? I know that you told me my parents live in here, Gaoling. But the problem is... Which way? Because this city was quite huge." Y/n asked as she scratch her head in confused as she continue to walk.

Gladly just few people walking because it might have a chances someone heard her talking herself. They will think if she was a weird kid.

"Oh, you just live near on Beifong's family." Tora casual says.

Y/n just paused a bit, blinking for a moment trying recall what tora says to her and she looked at him, wanting to confirm what he just said.

"Wait, did you say Beifongs?" Y/n asked, her eyes widening in surprise as she looked at him.

"You mean we live near by them? Like near near them?" They continued to speak with shock in their tone.

"Looks like we're living in a luxurious neighborhood then." Y/n speak lightly, trying to make a joke about it.

'Damn, I guess I'm going to meet Toph sooner than I thought.' Y/n thought in realization.

"I guess you can say that, yeah." Tora replied as he smiled at the joke, finding it to be quite funny.

Y/n look at him with a 'look'.

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