005 - Depression

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It had been a week since Viserra had her outbreak at court and a discussion with her ladies and Viserra had never felt so empty.

Many people tried to speak to her but the only 3 people she gave heart felt replies to were Rayelya, Leanna and Helaena.

Helaena was also betrothed to someone, her brother Daeron but they would not wed until the next year.

The castle was busting at the seams with Targaryens, Velaryons, servants and knights but it felt so dead.

Autumn was on its way and in turn the green leaves started to rot away and the flowers began falling to pieces, even the land was dying.

Everywhere she went she saw Aegons face and name, he was names after the great conquer of course his name was plastered all around the castle.

She had seen him Sneaking out of maids quarters, broom closets, the wine cellar and even the castle it self, she didn't know what exactly he was doing out there but he was supposedly going to the streets of silk, or so the rumours claimed.

The reminder she had to give up her happiness for the survival of the realm was the only reason she hadn't ran away yet.

As much as she wanted to.

King Viserys wanted to host a small dinner for the parents and siblings of the couple.

It was the first time her ladies had to help her get ready as she needed to look gorgeous.

They braided her hair and she picked the dress although they helped with her accents for it aswell.

The Striking and intricate arrangement of thick, tightly woven strands. The hair had a pristine and almost luminous quality to it, while the braids created a structured and ornate texture. Each braid was tightly secured, giving a sense of strength and resilience, and the overall look presented a sense of elegance and tradition as a nod of Rhaenys the conquer.

 Each braid was tightly secured, giving a sense of strength and resilience, and the overall look presented a sense of elegance and tradition as a nod of Rhaenys the conquer

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The red dress was opulent and regal, befitting the noble lineage of House Targaryen. It featured luxurious silk dyed in a deep crimson hue reminiscent of dragonfire. The dress was adorned with intricate gold embellishments, symbolizing the wealth and power of the family. The silhouette was elegant and form-fitting, with a flowing skirts and an of shoulder neckline Overall, it showed an aura of beauty and power, befitting the future queen of Westeros.

 The silhouette was elegant and form-fitting, with a flowing skirts and an of shoulder neckline Overall, it showed an aura of beauty and power, befitting the future queen of Westeros

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In attendance was:
Princess Rhaenyra
Princess Viserra
Queen Alicent
King Viserys (ofc)
Prince Aegon
Prince Aemond
Prince Jacaerys
Princess Helaena
Prince Daeron

Lucerys simply declined and Joffrey was too young to sit at a dinner table without throwing apple pies around the room like a yo-yo.

King Viserys stood up wine glass in hand and cleared his throat. "To my only Granddaughter the lovely Princess Viserra and her betrothed...Prince Aegon"

Aegon sighed and looked at the floor which Viserra noticed and she frowned.

"I wish them a happy marriage with many babes" He smiled.

"To marriage" he lifted his cup in the air.

"To marriage" everyone did the same and Viserys sat back down with a wide grin on his face.

Aegon finished off his wine and took the bottle from across the table and began pouring the liquid into his goblet.

"Tolī averilla nyke ūndegon.." (More wine I see.) Viserra turned her head and scowled at him

Aegon fill the cup to the brim, took a sip and turned to look back at her.

"Nyke sorri gōntan ao jaelagon mirri?" (I'm sorry did you want some?) He laughed in her face and took another sip

"Kessa nyke gaomagon. " (yes I do) Viserra smirked a tiny bit before filling her goblet with the rest of the wine which wasn't even alot as Aegon was a raging Wine addict.

Aegon gave her a dirty look and continued eating his food and downing his wine at concerning rates.

Viserra turned to Aegon and opened her mouth but she snapped it right back up when she saw Aegon winking at the servant in the corner who was giggling to herself

Viserra realised in that moment that she was cursed with a life of Aegon, constant drinking, flirting with maids and gods forbid if she sired him children, he most likely wouldn't care about them.

She would have to life with him until the day one of them dies and she wasn't exactly praying on her own downfall.

"Drunken cunt" she muttered under her breath.

Aegon turned to face her and when she refused to turn her head he turned it for her, he grabbed her chin and jaw with his hand and pulled to him.

"I hope you die" he uttered back then, kissed her on the cheek and pulled away from her.

Damsel ||Aemond , Aegon Targaryen|| (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now