009 - Best work

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When Viserra returned to her room there was an army of maids, servants and random women waiting for her and the second she stepped foot in the room they all pounced on her.

Princess Viserra Velaryon was to be Future Queen Viserra Targaryen by the night and she had to look perfect.

Many dress options were given to Viserra but she chose white and silver.

The dress draped effortlessly off Princess Viserra's curves, accentuating her figure with every gentle movement. The off-the-shoulder neckline elegantly framed her collarbones, while the fabric cascaded down her form in soft, flowing lines, highlighting her slender waist and hips. As she glided across the room, the delicate flowers sewn into the fabric seemed to dance along with her, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to her bridal ensemble.

Once the dress and makeup had been sorted 80% of the women left as peer Viserra's request as she wanted Lady Leanna, Rayelya and Janna to braid her hair for her.

Princess Viserra's thick, dark locs were a mesmerizing sight, partially braided into numerous intricate plaits that added an enchanting texture to her hairstyle. These braids were skillfully arranged into a voluminous bun at the back of her head, creating a regal focal point that complemented the elegance of her gown. Meanwhile, the remaining cascade of her hair flowed gracefully down her back, ending just above her hips in a cascade of dark waves that added to the overall allure of her look.

"What do you think, Vis" Rayelya spun Viserra around and she stared at herself in the mirror at her hair.

"I think you look beautiful, your grace" Janna grinned

"Is your name vis? No so I don't want you opinion." Rayelya snapped at her.

"Princess Viserra Velaryon, what do YOU think." Rayelya made sure to specify and Janna, in turn gave Rayelya a dirty look.

"Meh" she shrugged.

"Meh? How dare you" Rayelya put a hand on her chest and gasped, clearly acting offended.

"Do not question the Princess, Lady Rayelya" Janna piped up.

"Janna shut up" Leanna rolled her eyes.

"That is some of my best work" Rayelya clapped her hands and jumped about.

"Sad its wasted on a useless oath instead of someone I like." Viserra sighed and stood up

"Atleast everyone in that room will know he doesn't deserve you, I mean wow" Leanna looked Viserra up and down with gleaming joy.

"Actually I belive the Prince to be quite handsome and i-" Janna once again started running her mouth.

"I can not wait until some poor bastard marries you, I'd die to have you taken away from me, why did Meredyth have to get married I would rather have her than you. Now get out my room you loud mouthed cunt" Viserra got in Janna's face and growled in her ear.

"Careful with the hair, I haven't secured it yet" Rayelya looked terrified of her 2 hours going down the drain.

Janna walked out and looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm wishing on the day she gets married aswell Princess." Leanna chuckles.

"I hope he's old and decaying" Rayelya chimed in as she adjusted the bun.

Viserra turned around and looked at Rayelya then at Leanna, then the three of them burst out laughing.

Leanna cackled that hard that she even started crying tears of laughter whilst walking into walls and doors clutching her chest like she was having a heart attack.

When she fell on the floor Viserra banged her head on a shelf because her head fell back as she couldn't control her laugher any longer.

Soon after, the effect of laughter wore off and the impeding doom of the wedding approached.

30 minutes.

Then 20.

Then 10.

Then 5.

And suddenly Viserra found herself walking upto the doors of the Great Hall, she wasn't in control of her own feet, they seemed to be moving for her.

Her breaths became shaking and her hands started to twitch violently but that did jot matter as she was now in the hall.

Her breaths became shaking and her hands started to twitch violently but that did jot matter as she was now in the hall

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Hair x

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Hair x

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