013 - I wish

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Princess Viserra stood before the ornate mirror in her chambers, her reflection a portrait of silent resignation. The opulent gown she wore, resplendent in its intricate embroidery and fine silk, belied the heaviness that weighed upon her heart. For behind the facade of a happily married woman was a girl who wished her husband would atleast be nice to her.

As she adjusted the delicate lace veil adorning Helaena's head, a bittersweet smile graced Viserra's lips. Helaena, radiant in her bridal finery, exuded a joyous energy that illuminated the room, her laughter a welcome respite from the shadows that lingered in Viserra's own heart.

"Thank you, Viserra," Helaena said, her voice tinged with excitement. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Viserra returned the smile, masking the ache that consumed her soul. "It is my honor to stand by your side on this special day, Helaena. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

As she spoke the words, Viserra couldn't help but wonder if such happiness would ever be within her own grasp. Married to a man she scarcely knew, let alone loved, her days were filled with empty gestures and unspoken grievances, the weight of her unhappiness a burden she bore in silence.

But in Helaena's presence, surrounded by the promise of new beginnings and the hope of genuine love, Viserra found a fleeting moment of respite, a glimmer of light amidst the darkness that clouded her heart.

Together, they continued to prepare for the wedding, their laughter mingling with the soft strains of music that drifted through the air. Viserra brushed away a stray tear, grateful for the mask of happiness she could don in Helaena's honor, if only for a little while longer.

Viserra had requested Leanna to help her with Helaena's hair, makeup and dress, despite any and all efforts to tell the Princess that she was above slaving away all day.

She wanted Helaena's wedding day and night to be remembered

As the hour grew late and the final preparations were made, Viserra stood by Helaena's side, her heart heavy with unspoken longing and unshed tears. But in the embrace of her dearest friend and aunt, she found solacein her, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, love and friendship could illuminate the path forward, guiding them through the trials that lay ahead.

And as Helaena took her vows and pledged her heart to the man she loved, Viserra silently made a vow of her own—a vow to not let Aegon, Alicent, Aemond or anyone for that matter treat her like she nothing. Viserra was going to be Queen, ruling the seven kingdoms with Aegon, not as a consort but as a Queen in her own right.

If she really wanted to she could overthrow her husband one day and have just as much right to the throne as him.

Her train of thought suddenly stopped when everyone around her burst in applause, she looked up to see Daeron and Heleana in a very long kiss. Helaena looked straight to Viserra after the kiss and Viserra sit smiling and calmly clapping her hands.

"Beautiful wedding" Aegon leaned into her ear and whispered, his hot breath made the hairs on Viserra's neck stand up.

"Yes. Yes it is" Viserra looked straight forward and tried to avoid eye contactnas she usually did.

"Not as Beautiful as ours though" he chuckled to himself.

"No. No its not" she sighed to herself and took a quick glance at him a few seconds later but he was clapping excitedly for his brother and sister as they held hands and slowly began there descend down the few steps at the alter.

Everyone stood up as the two walked up the aisle and stared lovingly into each others eyes.

What Viserra would do for a marriage like that, but no she is married to that oath who she still isn't technically married to because he refuses to lay with her.

The great hall was emptied and Viserra was one of the last stragglers, she wanted to just watch the alter, it just so happens someone else had the same idea.


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