008 - Last day of freedom

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Viserra had given up on men, at this rate she was debating becoming a septa.

She sat on her balcony staring out on Kings landing.

By the end of the day she would be wed to Aegon.

As she peered out from the castle window, the clamor of the bustling town fills the air, echoing through the cobblestone streets below. Viserra caught snippets of merchants haggling, children playing, and the clang of blacksmiths shaping metal. Amidst the distant roar, the occasional grunt from the dragon pit.

Viserra had claimed a dragon when she was 8, a dragon egg was placed in her crib but unfortunately never hatched.

Aemond was only bullied for lack of dragon for about a year because Viserra was the last kid without one, leaving him dragonless.

The dragon Viserra had claimed was the pale and sapphire bkue dragon named Wynx, she was just bigger than Syrax and was quite a well behaved dragon.

Wynx's calm demeanor is evident in every aspect of her behavior. When she moves, each step is deliberate, almost like a dance, with no unnecessary or erratic motions. Even when faced with challenges or threats, Wynx remains composed, her eyes reflecting a deep wisdom gained over decades of existence. Her response to adversity is measured and controlled, never allowing agitation to disrupt her serene presence.

But when Viserra wanted her to, she could be the biggest bitch ever.

Viserra wanted one last day of freedom before she was married away to Aegon never to feel happy again, so she ran to Wynx, saddled up and took flight.

As Wynx spreads her majestic wings, spanning a breathtaking array of blue hues, she exudes an aura of tranquility, Viserra, sats atop her back, her posture relaxed yet tinged with a hint of melancholy. Together, they soar above the sprawling city of King's Landing, the bustling streets and towering structures sprawling below them like a miniature world.

The air is crisp and clear, with the warmth of the sun casting a golden glow over the city. Despite the impending doom in Viserra's life as she prepares to marry Aegon, whom she harbors nothing but hate for, there's a sense of peace in this moment, high above the chaos of the city.

Wynx's flight is smooth and steady, her movements guided by an innate grace that mirrors the calmness in Viserra's heart. As they glide through the sky, the wind whispers secrets of freedom and possibility, offering a temporary escape from the constraints of duty and expectation.

Viserra gazes down at the city below, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. Yet, in the presence of Wynx and the vast expanse of the sky, she finds a moment of solace, a fleeting respite from the uncertainties that lie ahead. Together, rider and dragon embrace the tranquility of the moment, savoring the beauty of the world unfolding beneath them as they soar towards the horizon.

As Wynx gracefully executes twists and twirls in the air, Viserra's long whisky, black locks flow behind her like ribbons of death caught in the breeze. Her hair, once tightly bound, now cascades freely, reflecting the sunlight in a mesmerizing display of ebony and gold. Despite the gravity of her impending marriage, Viserra's spirits are lifted by the exhilarating flight and the bond she shares with Wynx.

With each aerial maneuver, Viserra's laughter rings out, a joyous melody that harmonizes with the rush of wind and the beating of Wynx's powerful wings. In this moment, high above the world, she feels a sense of freedom and liberation, as if the sky itself has become her sanctuary.

As their flight nears its end, Wynx begins a gradual descent towards the city. With a gentle landing, Wynx sets down, her movements as smooth as silk despite their aerial acrobatics. Viserra dismounts with a graceful ease, her dark hair contorting in the sunlight as she steps onto solid ground.

With a fond pat on Wynx's scaled head, Viserra gazes up at her loyal companion with gratitude and affection. In Wynx's wise eyes, she finds reassurance and understanding, a silent promise of support in the days to come.

As they part ways for the day, Viserra's heart feels lighter, buoyed by the freedom of flight and the unwavering bond she shares with her dragon companion. With Wynx by her side, she knows she can face whatever challenges lie ahead, her spirit soaring as high as the heavens themselves.

"Princess!" A dragon keeper shouted from across the pit.

"You must alert keepers when you want to take your dragon a joyride, your grace" another one chimed in.

Viserra laughed and threw the saddle at their feet then ran away as quickly as possible.

Viserra laughed and threw the saddle at their feet then ran away as quickly as possible

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