011 - Nightmare

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When everyone started to filter out and leave, Viserra began dreading the worst.

Viserra ran to her room instantly to get ready for bed.

"Raye, I have a question" Viserra timidly asked whilst Rayelya brushes her hair.

"Yes?" Rayelya replied.

"Do you know what happens on the wedding night" Viserra rambles out and Rayelya looks quite shocked.

Rayelya sighed before she spoke "Did I ever tell you the reason I was sent to you as a lady in waiting, Vis?"

"I do not think so why?" Viserra titled her head.

"Father caught me....fooling around with a boy" Rayelya attempted to explain in PG-13 style.

"Like...tomfoolery?" Now Viserra was really confused.

"No uhm....having relations with him" Rayelya was struggling now.

"Having what now?" Viserra asked.

"Sex! Uhm sex." Rayelya shouted out then shushed herself.

"And that is..." Viserra flapped her arms around.

"Okay uhm right." Rayelya faced Viserra's chair to herself and kneeled down in front of each of her.

"When people fall in love they...undress and...." Rayelya started to explain but light bulb finally clicked in Viserra's head.

"What whores do?!" Shs gasped, covered her mouth and asked.

"Not entirely,  whores do it for pleasure, some people do it for love and some people do it for duty. I did it for love and tonight..you will be doing it for duty" She explained.

"What if I do not know what to do" Viserra questioned.

"Trust me,  Prince Aegon is skilled enough for you, all you have to do is lie there" Rayelya got up and spun Viserra back around to face the mirror and started brushing her hair once more.

"Trust me,  Prince Aegon is skilled enough for you, all you have to do is lie there" Rayelya got up and spun Viserra back around to face the mirror and started brushing her hair once more

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The night gown she wore.


When Aegon stumbled into the room, Viserra sat up and the two made eye contact for what felt like an hour but in reality was about 10 seconds.

"Hi." She mumbled.

"Hi." He groaned back.

Viserra stood up as she shook like a leaf and she approached Aegon.

He inspected her up and down with his eyes, he tried so very hard to gloss over her breasts as he could see them clear as day.

Viserra looked him in the eyes as he did this and after he had finished looking there eyes met again.

She started to unbutton her night gown just as Rayelya had told her she had to do.

"Woah woah. What are you doing?" Aegon moved her hands away from the night gown.

"We have to...consummate the marriage do we not?" She shakily asked.

Aegon sighed "go to sleep Viserra." And he let go for her hands.

Viserra wasn't complaining she was just confused as she lay on the very right edge and Aegon on the very left.

About an hour later when Aegon obviously assumed she was asleep, she heard him rustling around and a few bangs but when she sat up and opened her eyes he had disappeared and most certainly didn't go out the door.

Damsel ||Aemond , Aegon Targaryen|| (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now