014 - Never should've spoke

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There eyes locked for what felt like an eternity before he started talking.

"What are you doing here?" He coldly asked.

"I just-" she hestitated

"I just wanted to admire the wedding setup I guess" she let a very small smile slip through for a second.

"You were married not long again, have you forgotten what it looks like?" He grunted.

"Aemond I know I'm married but it's not exactly filled to the brim with love, you should know that." She picked at her fingernails.

Aemond's eyes widened a bit for a second when she brought up their kiss, but he quickly regained his composure.

"So you have no intention of being a faithful wife to your husband?" He stood up from one side of the hall and slowly moved toward Viserra.

"I do, I wish he had the same mindset though" she chuckled then gasped as she probably should have said that.

Aemond raises an eyebrow.

"Do you mean to say you think he's having affairs?" He sarcastically stated as he sat on the other end of the bench to Viserra.

Viserra rolled her eyes.

"Don't be a fool, surely you've heard the maids sneaking in and out over the years of you two growing up, he sneaks out our bedroom every night, I do not know where he goes or who with and frankly I'm not sure I would like to know" she groaned.

Aemond's jaw clenches when she mentions Aegon's nightly sneaking around, but he keeps his composure

"And you've never confronted Aegon about any of this?

"Why would I? Its not like we married for love, it's strictly duty"

"Have the two of you never consummated this marriage?" He turned to face her and titled his head a pinch.

Viserra's face dropped.

"how could he know" she thought, she took a deep breath before speaking .

"Of course we have" she spat out and turned her head to face him also.

Aemond looked at her skeptically, it was clear he didn't believe her explanation

"Forgive me, but I find that rather hard to believe..." He chuckled

Viserra started to panic, if it got out they never consummated the marriage the realm could lash out.

"I don't want to talk about my wedding night Aemond, especially not with the only man I've very loved" She spoke that quickly her mouth moved faster than her brain.

Aemond raised an eyebrow once more.

"You're the one who brought up Aegon's nightly escapades, Viserra. It's only natural that I ask why you've never confronted him about that, or at very least asked if the consummation of your marriage ever happened." He knew he had caught her in a lie but acted like he believed her.

It was clear from his tone and his choice of words that he was becoming much more interested in this conversation.

"Right let's stop this conversation, the last time we were alone-" she stopped herself and got butterflies just thinking about them kissing in the stairwell.

Aemond couldn't help but notice the subtle change in her expression, as if something positive was on her mind for a second. He also noticed the way she seemed to cut herself off abruptly.

"The last time we were alone... Yes, I recall that." Aemonds memories flash back to him.

"I wish I did not" she stood up and walked out the great Hall leaving Aemond sat all alone.

Aemond watched her leave, he was frustrated that he didn't get to learn more about her short and already clearly very problematic marriage with Aegon. But his thoughts soon drifted to what he had just mentioned, their kiss in the stairwell. His expression, before looking mostly bored and disinterested, was now filled with something else.

Viserra had to storm out that hall or something worse could happen.

Aemond was ever so clearly prying into the marriage for his own benefit, he wanted proof the woman he loved wasn't happy.

Viserra never should've entertained him and should've just ignored him, or that's what she was telling herself.

Damsel ||Aemond , Aegon Targaryen|| (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now