021 - Demons straight from hell

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Viserra looked over to her mother who seemed very out of it.

"How dare he show his face again after what his savage daughters did" Alicent screamed.

"Hopefully Lady Rhaena has come for the other eye" Aegon laughed.

"Aegon.." Viserra turned to him but he refused eye contact.

"Excuse me" Rhaenyra left the room to god knows where and Alicents eyes didn't leave Rhaenyra until she exited it the room.

Viserra had fond memories of the girls but hadn't seen them since what happened to Aemond and now she had a slight feeling of indifference.

Rhaenyra had actually called for Baela to be a lady in waiting for Viserra but Rhaenys never got back to her.

The council left the room and in walked Daemon, Rhaena and Baela.

"Hello brother" Daemon said to Viserys.

"Daemon. What is it you want now you leech" Otto asked.

"Fuck off" Daemon smiled at him.

"Where is Princess Rhaenyra" he asked.

"What does it matter to you?" Viserys asked.

"Just wondering...oh my is that young Viserra" He approached Viserra.

"Hello Prince Daemon" she kept a straight face.

"You look a concerning amount like your mother, congratulations on the wedding my dear" he smiled and held out a box.

"And this is?" She asks.

"A gift" his face lit up as his daughter's stand like 2 guard dogs behind him.

"Do not open that" Otto shouted but Viserra never listened to him anyway.

In the box was an Amethyst necklace.

"Thank you Prince Daemon" she smiled awkwardly.

"Daemon shall suffice, we are family after all" he grinned before turning to his daughter's.

"You all remember my daughter's, the ladies Baela and Rhaena?" He asked.

"Vividly" Aegon sighed.

"Um yes I do" Viserra smiled at the girls but only Rhaena smiled back.

"Feel free to take my brothers other eye, he's a twat" Aegon walked out and tapped Rhaena on the shoulder as he walked out.

"Aegon wait!" Viserra ran out after him.

"Lovely family" Daemon chuckled.


Viserra chased him out the hall shouting for him.

"What do you want?" He says with bitterness in his voice, he does not even try to hide how little he values your presence at the moment.

"Talk to me Aegon" Viserra begged

His frustration grows as she mention a conversation.

"I don't feel like talking right now Viserra. You should have realised that by now."  He grunted

He says as he turns away from her and begins to walk away.

"Wait!" she grabbed his shoulder and he turns to look at her

The look on his face is one of annoyance as she grabs his shoulder and turned him back to look at her, he didn't look particularly pleased that she interrupted him as he tries to leave.

"What?" He says with irritation as he stared down at her .

"Please just talk to me Aegon" Viserra pleaded

The irritation on his face worsens as it becomes clear that she had no intention of leaving him be until he speaks with her. After a few seconds of silence he finally speaks.

"Fine. I'll talk to you, just don't expect me to have anything nice to say."

He sighs and shakes his head as he looked down on her before continuing.

"Now what? Am I supposed to act like nothing happened? Am I supposed to believe that you like me after how I have treated you?"

"I have no choice but to like you Aegon" she yelled out

The comment took him by surprise, he remained silent for a while as he tries to process what she just said.

"What-" He starts to say before he stops, his voice almost turning into a whisper. "What do you mean you have no choice?"

"You know what I mean Aegon, the realm will not stop until there is an heir, we have no choice but to like each other" Viserra didn't even think about what she was saying.

The anger returned to Aegon's face, he is clearly still frustrated over all that has happened.

"And how exactly am I supposed to like you? Do you seriously believe I am capable of that?" He yelled out

"I harbour no love for Aemond anymore, after the stunt he pulled yesterday I'd rather not speak to him again" she promised

Thee mention of her feelings towards Aemond brings a slight smile to Aegon's face as he remembers what was said.

"Why is that? Isn't he your true love? Did he do something to cause you to suddenly dislike him?"

He says with a hint of amusement on his voice, though there is some contempt in it as well.

"Aegon come on..."

He raises a brow in disbelief.

"No don't tell me it is actually true? You have truly lost your love for him? And you actually want to love me?"

She hestitated to talk.

Aegon notices the slight pause and that is all he needs, an angry expression now filling his face once more.

"I am right aren't I?" he says with disbelief.

"I don't love him. I try and I try to love you but you dont exactly make it fucking easy" she yelled

He stared at her with contempt as she start yelling.

"Do you want to know why I am so difficult? Do you want to know why I refuse to love you as well?"

"Yes I do! More than anything." she pleaded with him.

"Because I hated you from the moment my mother forced me to marry you! I hated who you are, and I knew I would never be able to love a girl who is that naive and innocent! I never once wanted to love you, I wanted you as far away from me as possible!" Aegon spoke with such venom that her heart ached at the words he spoke.

"Is this what we are destined to be?." Viserra's face scrunched up as her voice became hoarse and her eyes weld with tears

For a moment all he can do is glare at her. His body language is tense and she could feel how much he hates having this conversation with her. Eventually though he looks down with sadness and guilt.

"Yes...We are destined to be nothing more than a loveless and unhappy couple who resent one another and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives."

"I see" a singular tear tan down her cheek and Viserra walked away.

Seeing the tear and the way she walked away from him makes him feel guilty for the things he just said. He almost calls out her name as a desperate attempt to bring you back once more. However, he manages to stop himself from doing it, instead he simply watched her walk away in silence.

Damsel ||Aemond , Aegon Targaryen|| (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now