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The morning was bright and brisk, a perfect start to their weekend camping trip at Hither Hills in Long Island

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The morning was bright and brisk, a perfect start to their weekend camping trip at Hither Hills in Long Island.

Taehyung, Jimin, Jennie, and Rosé packed the last of their supplies into Jimin's car, their excitement extremely evident.

"Got it all right here," Taehyung confirmed, patting the trunk with confidence. "And I packed extra blankets. It gets cold by the beach at night."

Rosé, balancing a box of snacks on her hip, grinned. "And I've got the food covered. Trust me, we won't starve."

"Are we sure we've got everything?" Jimin asked, double-checking the trunk, packed with sleeping bags, a tent, and plenty of food.

"Got it all right here," Taehyung confirmed, patting the trunk with confidence. "And I packed extra blankets. It gets cold by the beach at night."

Rosé popped her head out of the car, sunglasses already on. "And I've got the map and the itinerary all set. We're not getting lost this time," she added, a playful jab at their last trip where they'd taken quite the detour.

Jennie, double-checking her bag, laughed. "Let's just try not to end up at a haunted cabin, okay?""

"You watch too many horror movies baby." Taehyung muttered as he wrapped an arm along her waist, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.

"And she cries at every one too." Jimin added as Jennie chose to blissfully ignore him this time.

"Food, water, first aid kit, and... oh, the marshmallows! Can't forget those." Jennie mumbled as she ran through her checklist on her notes one last time.

"Only you would consider marshmallows a camping necessity." Rosé laughed.

"Sorry I never got to make smores before! This is my first time, unlike you three." She huffed with a roll of her eyes as Rosé only laughed, hugging her friend to soothe some of her anger.

With everything checked and double-checked, they piled into the car, the morning air filled with laughter and the sound of an upbeat pop playlist Rosé had made (and forcibly played) for the trip.

The drive to Hither Hills was scenic and lively, with each mile taking them further from the stresses of their upcoming college transitions and deeper into a weekend of wilderness and hopefully relaxation.

Upon arriving, they were greeted by the stunning views of sandy beaches and the sprawling campground set against the backdrop of rolling dunes.

They soon found their reserved spot and began setting up camp.

"Who knew pitching a tent would be a full-body workout? Why.Is.This.So.Hard?!" Jennie grunted, struggling with a stubborn tent pole.

"Me. I did. I told you we should've signed up for glamping but you forced the authentic camping narrative onto us." Jimin replied, jumping away to avoid the log thrown at him by the much shorter girl.

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