The beginning of their end

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Third Person:

A woman was in the kitchen, working on dinner. Her jet black hair was pulled into a braid. Her blue eyes looked down at food when she heard a noise outside. Shot her head up and looked at the open front door.

?: Giyuu! Don't spend too much time outside.

A small voice called back out to her. It was from one of her little brothers, Giyuu.

Giyuu: I won't nee-san! I'm just playing a game with Tanjiro.

?: You guys shouldn't be out there for too long. Also Tanjiro's only two so don't play any rough games with him. I'm almost done with dinner so come inside soon.

Giyuu: Okay!

Giyuu looked up at the sky for a moment.

Giyuu: The sun is starting to go down.

He felt something on his leg and looked down. His younger brother Tanjiro with the same eye color as him was hugging him. His brother broke the trend of black hair though as his hair was a dark, dark burgundy color.

Tanjiro: Play!

Giyuu smiled at him and rubbed his brother's head.

Giyuu: I guess we can play for a bit longer. Do you wanna go play out back?

Tanjiro nodded and followed his brother to their backyard. They played together for another few minutes before they went back inside.

Giyuu: Nee-San, we're back.

Tsutako: Just in time! I just finished dinner.

Giyuu: Yummy!

Tsutako: I hope you two didn't disturb our neighbors this time.

Giyuu pouted once he heard this.

Giyuu: We've never done that before.

Tsutako: Really? Cause last time I let you two play unsupervised, I heard you woke up Mr. Yamada from his nap.

Tanjiro saw Giyuu's facial expression and copied it.

Giyuu: It's not our fault he's a not a deep sleeper!

Tsutako: Well I had the door open this time so I know you two didn't disturb no one. Let's eat now.

The sun had fully went down. It was very dark in the house. Only the light of the moon made it somewhat visible.

Giyuu was sleeping on his futon. He felt his back being poked and he woke up. He sat up and saw Tanjiro next to him.

Giyuu: Tanjiro— Do need something?

Tanjiro: I can't sleep...

Giyuu: You having nightmares again?

Tanjiro nodded. Giyuu looked around the room for a moment, then he looked back at his brother.

Giyuu: You want to lie down with me?

Tanjiro stood still and silent. Giyuu sighed and spoke softly.

Giyuu: Do you want to go get a drink?

Tanjiro looked up and nodded. Giyuu got up from the futon.

Giyuu: We have to stay quiet. We want nee-san to be well rested as tomorrow is a big day for her, okay?

Tanjiro: Okay..!

The two boys walked to the kitchen. Giyuu grabbed a ladle full of water and gave it Tanjiro. He began sipping away.

Giyuu: Don't drink too much now.

Tanjiro finished a few seconds later.

Giyuu: You feel better?

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