Siblings in the mountains

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Third Person:

Tanjiro: You said you would let me handle it this time!

Giyuu had once again interfered with a fight.

Giyuu: I did. But you switched breaths midway through so you almost missed. You're welcome.

Tanjiro groaned but he went on to behead the demon.

Tanjiro: Rest in peace.

He turned to Giyuu.

Tanjiro: Why don't you trust me?

Giyuu: I do trust you.

Tanjiro: Then let me behead demons on my own! You know I can do it! I passed Final Selection. I killed demons during that test.

Giyuu froze once Tanjiro's words hit him.

Giyuu: Something I couldn't do.

Tanjiro gasps once he realizes how Giyuu took what he said.

Tanjiro: Hey— I didn't mean it like that!

Giyuu: It's not what you meant but it's true.

Tanjiro stops.

Giyuu: I couldn't kill a demon during that test. That means you already have more potential than me. Apologies for being too involved with you.

Tanjiro: Wait— no! I'm fine with you joining my missions!

Suddenly Giyuu's crow cawed and flew over to Giyuu's shoulder.

Crow: You have a mission on missions far away! A demon has been reported to be roaming the area.

Giyuu: ...Okay.

Tanjiro: Can I come?

Giyuu: No.

Tanjiro: So you can come on missions with me, but I can't go on missions with you? Plus the sun is starting to rise. If you're asked to be going on a mission now, then that means the demon your fighting is far away. Wouldn't you want to be accompanied on your long journey?

Giyuu: If I'm being requested to go on a mission it probably means that there's a chance of a 12 Kizuki being around. I am a Hashira after all. And do you have the strength to walk for almost a whole day to a mountain far away?

Tanjiro stammers and then sighs.

Giyuu: If you get assigned on any more missions while I'm gone, then you better make sure you get the job done. Cya later.

Giyuu walks off to his mission. Tanjiro sighs and continues on his own way.

I was supposed to be here a day ago. Now I'm late. This place is literally on the opposite side of Japan almost.

Giyuu was running through the snow. He saw something through the trees.

That must be it.

He jumped up and aimed his sword at the figure. It was demon who was above a young girl.

The two kids roll away until the girl's back hits a tree. Her legs are around the demon's waist and her left arm is on his head. The demon shrinks.

What the... Who's that?

The girl looks up and sees a Giyuu. She gasps while holding the demon close to her.

A sword.

Giyuu: Why are you protecting it?

Girl: He's my brother! I was taking him to get help!

The girl's brother snarls while Giyuu looks at her unfazed.

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