The squad

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Third Person:

The new trio walk down the path to Nezuko's next mission.

Tanjiro: You better?

Zenitsu: A bit. But now I'm feeling very hungry.

Nezuko: Don't you have any food?

Zenitsu: No.

Nezuko takes a onigiri out of her pocket and hands it to Zenitsu.

Nezuko: Here, take one of these.

Zenitsu: Really? Thank you so much.

Zenitsu takes a bite out of the onigiri and looks at Nezuko.

Zenitsu: Aren't you gonna eat anything?

Nezuko: Hm, that was all I had.

Zenitsu looks at Nezuko then the onigiri. He splits it in half and hands a piece to Nezuko.

Zenitsu: Hey, you take this half.

Nezuko: You sure about that? Thanks a lot.

Nezuko turns to Tanjiro.

Nezuko: What about you Tanjiro?

Tanjiro: Oh I'm fine. Giyuu never lets me travel without a snack. I've got candy on me.

Zenitsu: Candy? Can I have some.

Tanjiro: ...No.

The pair are still walking.

Tanjiro: I know what you mean when you say that you're terrified of demons, but you should try not to worry your sparrow.

Zenitsu: Huh? You're saying... it was distressed? How could you tell?

Tanjiro: Let's see, he says you're always whining about not wanting to go to work, and you're always hitting on girls, and you snore really loudly, yep that covers it.

Sparrow: Cheep.

Zenitsu: Wait- he said all that? You can understand bird language?

Tanjiro: Yeah.

Zenitsu: No way! You've gotta be lying to me!

Crow: CAW! Start running! Start running! Run Nezuko! Run Zenitsu! Run Tanjiro! All of you must head to your next location! Run Nezuko! Run Kanao!

Zenitsu starts whimpering before she falls to the ground screaming.

Zenitsu: That crow is talking to us!

Zenitsu: Hey, you two. Maybe I should just hang back for now. Even if I tag along, I'm not gonna be able to do anything.

We must be getting closer to the demon now, Tanjiro thinks. Something has to be up ahead.

Nezuko gasps and looks up. A house?

The three of them reach the house and stand in front of it.

They all look at the house. Tanjiro turns around and sees two kids who look scared in the shadows of the trees.

Zenitsu: There, are kids here?

Tanjiro: They look scared. Hey there.

Nezuko: Is there a reason you're out here by yourselves?

Tanjiro and Nezuko approach the kids but this terrifies them more. They stop once they realize this.

They're definitely terrified.

Tanjiro: Guess what? I've got something really cool here. Wanna see it? Ta-da! It's a friendly sparrow.

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