Secret Searching

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Third Person:

Tanjiro was conveniently outside when he saw a crow came towards him.

Crow: This is a letter for Giyuu Tomioka from Sakonji Urokodaki.

Tanjiro takes the letter.

Tanjiro: Thank you! I'll give this to him.

The crow flew away. Tanjiro looked at the envelope.

I'm kinda curious to know what he said.

Tanjiro slowly moved his hand to the letter.

Giyuu: Tanjiro.

Tanjiro froze and turned around.

Tanjiro: Uh... Hey Giyuu..!

Giyuu: What's that in your hand?

Tanjiro: This? Oh— this is a letter! It's for you... from Mr. Urokodaki! Here!

Giyuu looks at him skeptical, but takes the letter.

Giyuu: You were gonna read this weren't you?

Tanjiro stood still for a few seconds but then he gave in and nodded. Giyuu sighed.

Giyuu: Just don't try it again.

He walks back in house and Tanjiro sighs.

What is he hiding from me? I need to get him to crack.

Tanjiro then comes up with an idea.

Giyuu: So you're going on an extended night stroll, and you may not be back for about an hour?

Tanjiro smiles, noticeably sweating. He gives Giyuu an "mhm" through his teeth.

Giyuu: Are you sure that's all there is to it?

Tanjiro: Y-Yeah! Why?

Giyuu: Because when you lie you make ugly facial expressions like the one you have on now. You're barely even looking at me.

Tanjiro gasped once he heard that.

Giyuu: Well whatever. Enjoy your stroll.

Tanjiro thanks Giyuu and speeds out of the house. Giyuu sighs knowing there's more to the story.

Tanjiro walked all the way to Urokodaki's house. He knocked on the door.

Urokodaki opened it, and looked at Tanjiro in shock under that mask.

Sakonji: Tanjiro! Why did you visit?

Tanjiro: Hi Mr. Urokodaki! I heard that you wrote a letter to Giyuu today. Another private one...

Sakonji: Well what you heard is true. Why are you here boy?

Tanjiro: Is Giyuu going through another "I wanna be alone" phase?

Sakonji: Uh, no. What gave you that idea?

Tanjiro: Well he—

?: I'm finished!

Tanjiro and Urokodaki freeze once the female voice is heard.

Tanjiro: You have people over?

Sakonji: This is a bad time.. why don't you come visit later? Way later.

Tanjiro: But it's dark out.

Sakonji: So?

?: Hey Mr. Urokodaki! Are you done out there?

Tanjiro: Who's over? You having a party?

Sakonji: Nice to see you too Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: But I didn't say—

?: Mr. Urokodaki?

The girl talking came up behind  him. Urokodaki sighs as Tanjiro looks at the girl. It's Nezuko, but he doesn't know her.

Tanjiro: Uh... oh! Are you training people again? That's so cool! Hi! I'm Tanjiro Tomioka. What's your name?

Nezuko: I'm Nezuko Kamado! You know Mr. Urokodaki?

Oh god... Urokodaki thinks. Sorry Giyuu.

Tanjiro: Urokodaki trained me and my older brother!

Nezuko: That's cool! I only just became a student of his. He's agreed to help me figure out how to—

Sakonji: Glad you two met each other. Tanjiro, could you please come back tomorrow? Now's not a good time.

Tanjiro + Nezuko: It isn't?

Sakonji: ...It isn't. Could you please go—

Tanjiro: Wait! I sense that there's a demon nearby.

Crap, Urokodaki thinks.

Tanjiro pushes through between Urokodaki and Nezuko and makes his way in the house.

Nezuko: Huh... wait. Is he talking about—

Urokodaki nods making Nezuko rush inside. Tanjiro enters a room and sees the demon sleeping in a futon.

Tanjiro: Huh...?

I thought he would have just broken in, but he's sleeping!

Urokodaki and Nezuko stand in the doorway. Tanjiro turns to look at them.

Tanjiro: Why is there just a demon sleeping in here?

Sakonji: Tanjiro...

Tanjiro: Mr. Urokodaki. What's going on?

Sakonji sighs.

Sakonji: Sit down. We'll tell you.

Chapter nine...

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