Working with two Hashira

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Third Person:

In front of Tanjiro was a man who was holding a dead woman in his hands. She was missed a chunk of her neck.

Tanjiro: I'm sorry, but y'know I can't spare you. After all, you've eaten people.

The man stands up, dropping the woman's  body.

Thing: I... I promise! I won't do it anymore...

The man's hands turn into claws.

Thing: I won't...

The man lunges at Tanjiro. He had revealed that he transformed into a demon.


Tanjiro had cut the demon's head off. He turned around and looked at both dead bodies.

Tanjiro: ...Rest in peace.

He then turned to look at Giyuu who was originally watching from the distance, but now he was approaching Tanjiro.

Giyuu: You defeated it.

Tanjiro: You didn't have to let me take your mission.

Giyuu: It's fine. I owe it to you after what I did on your first couple of missions.

Crow: Kawww!

The crow went up to the brothers.

Crow: Kawwwww!! Message!! Message!! Demon Slayer Swordsmen! Go to the snowy mountains in the North! Demons have eaten... several hunters there! Kaaaw! Kaaaw!

Tanjiro sheathed his sword.

?: You went to the mountains alone again?!

Gurl: Not alone! Taro was with me!

?: Taro's just a DOG! Let us adults avenge Matazo!

??: Who's that?

A woman with black hair that fades to purple asks that to a store worker. She has purple eyes, a butterfly pattern haori, a butterfly hairpin, and she wore a kimono that was detailed with flowers and butterflies.

Store worker: Do you mean Yae? She's Matazo's daughter. The bear killed her father and the other matagi right in front of her. Other than her supple runs into town, she's been staying in the mountains hoping to avenge her father. It pains me to see it.

The butterfly woman gives Yae a blank look.

??: Huh?

The hunters also look shocked. Some hand grabbed Yae's gun. It shocked her for a second but then that shock turned into anger.

Yae: Hey... HANDS OFF MY GUN!!!

Yae was going to swing her arm at the person who grabbed her gun but they stopped her. It was Giyuu.

Who is this, Yae thinks.

Giyuu: You must be Yae. I am Giyuu Tomioka of the Demon Slayer Corps. Please, tell me about the demon that attacked your father.

Hunter 1: Demon? No it was a bear.

Hunter 2: What are you talking about?

??: Aagh!!

Giyuu runs so fast! I can sense that I'm near him though... I see him! He's right up there!

Tanjiro: Giy—

Tanjiro stopped and looked.

Tanjiro: Huh?

Giyuu was tied up with a rope. Tanjiro, who was dumbfounded, walked up to him.

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