First new friend

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Third Person:

Tanjiro: Nezuko... I understand that you're new to this and all but... why am I here?

Nezuko was dragging Tanjiro along with her on her first mission.

Nezuko: I want someone to talk to! Takeo sleeps during the day, so I'll be lonely while I travel.

Tanjiro: ...This is just me and Giyuu backwards.

Nezuko: Huh?

Tanjiro: Giyuu refused to let me go alone in my first mission.

He also refused to let me do my job.

Nezuko: Wow. He must really care about you.

Tanjiro: Yeah.. is this the village?

Nezuko: Yep. You don't have to interfere. When I find the demon just watch me from a safe distance.

Tanjiro: Oh! Uh.. okay.

Nezuko successfully completed her first few missions with only the aid of her brother.


Nezuko's crow was yelling in her and Tanjiro's ears about where Nezuko's next mission is.

Tanjiro: Okay- okay, We know. But please, just stop yelling at us!


Nezuko's crow jumps on her shoulder. In front of the two was a boy with blonde and orange hair. He was in front of a woman.

?: Please! Please! Please! Please marry me! You know I could die any day now! Marry me so I don't die alone! Marry me! I'm begging you please!

Nezuko: What- what is he doing? What on earth?

A sparrow chirps and flies into Tanjiro's hand.

Tanjiro: Huh?

The sparrow chirps repeatedly in Tanjiro's hands while the blonde boy continues to beg to the woman.

Tanjiro: Okay so that's it then. Okay I'll try to help! Huh?

Nezuko was already on step ahead of him.

?: Please! Please marry me! I beg you-!

Nezuko grabs the boy's haori pulling him away from the woman.

Nezuko: Why are you making such a scene in the middle of the road? She's clearly not interested in you! Also, your stressing your sparrow out!

?: Wait, that uniform! Are you that girl from Final Selection?

Nezuko: Don't go pretending like we know each other cause we don't okay?!

?: Aaaah! But we have met! Don't you remember? Don't get angry at me when you're the one with the terrible memory!

The two stare at each other for a bit. Nezuko lets his haori go and bows to the harassed woman.

Nezuko: Alright, you're all set to go home again. Do you need anything else?

Woman: No, thank you very much!

?: HANG ON! Don't you interfere! That girl is madly in love with me! The two of us are gonna get married- AAAAAHHHH!

The woman continuously slaps the boy. Everyone else stares in shock.

Tanjiro: Hey! Calm down!

Tanjiro holds the woman back while the slapped boy cries.

Woman: When did I say anything when I doubted that I loved you?! All I did was come talk to you while you looked ill on the side of the road!

?: HUHHHH?! No! So the only reason you did that was because you weren't falling in love with me?!

Woman: Considering that I already have a fiancé that's exactly what I've been trying to tell you! Well you seem to be perfectly fine now! So goodbye!

?: W-wait! Come back! Please...

Nezuko: Will you give it a rest already?

?: Why did you have to get in my way? This had nothing to do with you!

Nezuko and Tanjiro share a disgusted a look at the boy.

?: What's with that look on your faces?! Stop it! You're both staring at me like I'm some sort of creature or something! No, listen here you! The reason I missed out on getting married is your fault!

The two give him the most disgusted look they possibly could.

?: Say something would ya! Look! During my next stop, I'll likely die! The reason is, I'm just a weakling! Do you understand? You have to help protect me until I manage to get married, Mister...?

Tanjiro: My name's Tanjiro and you are?

Zenitsu: Tanjiro? That's good to know! I'm Zenitsu! Please, you gotta do what you can to save me!

Nezuko: Aren't you being a bit dramatic? Why did you even become a swordsman? You're acting a bit pathetic right now.

Zenitsu: That's a harsh way to put it! I got swindled by a man who got caught up in a lot of debt! The old man who took me in happened to be this tough as nails instructor! He made me train until the bone of me, dead! It was so hellish I just wanted to die! I was hoping that would happen at Final Selection! But since I survived this nightmare continues to haunt me! I'm so scared! Terrified! Frightened! I just know I'm gonna get eaten by a demon soon! My brains are gonna get sucked through my ears while I'm still alive! No! No! Please save me!

Tanjiro: Hey are you- okay?

Zenitsu whimpers while Tanjiro holds his back, giving him the dot eyes. Meanwhile the Sparrow and the Crow talk to each other.

Chapter thirteen...

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