Good luck on your new mission

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Third Person:

The doctor came back and checked up on everyone.

Doctor: All Better.

Everyone sighs of relief. Nezuko's crow arrives at the house.

Crow: It is North! Northeast to the North-Northeast! Your next mission is North-Northeast! The three of you are to go to Mount Natagumo! Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke! Just you three Make your way there posthaste!

Tanjiro: What about me?

Crow: You go home! The Water Pillar requests you to come back.

Crap! I haven't seen Giyuu in a few days! I'm gonna be dead.

Everyone walks out of the wisteria house.

Tanjiro: We're heading out. Thank you for everything.

Oldie: I'll bestow good luck upon you.

Nezuko: We appreciate it.

Nezuko Tanjiro and Zenitsu turn around. Inosuke looks at the old woman confused. She clicks a rock against a tool.

Inosuke: What do you think you're doing?!

Zenitsu: Stop that, you idiot!

Inosuke: What did you say?

Zenitsu: It's ceremonial! We're going on a journey, and striking sparks is for luck!

Oldie: Always live your lives in a fashion where you are able to hold your heads up high. I wish you luck in battle.

The chosen three make their way to the location of their next mission.

Inosuke: Heads up high? Luck in battle? What's that mean?

Geez, this guy's totally clueless, Zenitsu thinks.

Nezuko: To be honest, it is a little bit difficult to explain. To hold your head high, I guess it means whatever hand you're given in this life, you're able to conduct yourself in a way that's honorable so you're never ashamed.

Inosuke: Huh?

Nezuko: And wishing us luck in battle just means she's praying for our safety.

Inosuke: Well, what about the hand you're given? We have two already! And why should we be ashamed?

Nezuko: Well, I guess-

Inosuke: What does it mean to conduct yourself honorably, anyway? And why is that old fart praying for our safety in the first place? She has nothing to do with us, so what's her game, huh? Maybe she should worry about her own hands.

Nezuko pouts and speeds up.

Zenitsu: She sped up!

Inosuke: Is this a race? I won't let you win!

Zenitsu: Wait for me, you two!

Maybe if I apologize really hard he'll forgive me, right? I mean, he understands how busy we are. He might spare me and I won't have to worry anymore.

Tanjiro: Slowly opens the door. Giyuu was sitting on the floor, doing nothing. He noticed Tanjiro's presence but he didn't react to him.

Tanjiro: ...Giyuu?

Giyuu stayed silent.

Giyuu's such a hard person to read... I can't tell if he's staying silent out of anger or calmnes.

Tanjiro slowly approaches him and sits in front of him.

Tanjiro: How are you doing?

The silence resumed.

Tanjiro: ...I've got good news! I made-

Giyuu: You've been gone for almost a week.

Tanjiro sighed.

Tanjiro: Sorry... it wasn't intentional. We went on missions that left us badly injured... I mean I broke a rib and I had to stay—

Giyuu: You broke a rib?

Tanjiro: ...I wasn't the only one... like I said before. I went on a mission with Nezuko and we made two friends on that mission. Due to our injuries we had to stay at this place where we were nursed and took care of. They all are healed and went on another mission today and—

Giyuu: You broke a rib and didn't say anything to me for two weeks...

Tanjiro: I'm sorry...

Giyuu: I put missing posters everywhere, I kept on arguing with Urokodaki... I denied a mission I was assigned yesterday.

Tanjiro gasped.

Tanjiro: Posters..?

Tanjiro turned around and gasped. There was just a bunch of posters plastered to the wall with a creative drawing of Tanjiro with a label that read "MISSING".

Tanjiro: Giyuu! What is this?!

Giyuu: Did you expect me to not worry after not hearing from you for about two weeks?

Tanjiro: It's not that... it's just... why is this all here? I'm pretty sure you guessed most of this information... and did you draw these? (Can't draw either)

Giyuu: I put up a bunch of the posters around headquarters and a couple of them by the wind pillars home. He aggressively returned them to me.

Tanjiro: ...Oh.

Tanjiro sighs.

Tanjiro: I'm sorry for ignoring you for two weeks...

Giyuu: ...I would scold you more but I have to go.

Tanjiro: Wait— really?

Giyuu: Master is summoning me.

Tanjiro: Oh.. okay. Good luck.

Tanjiro waves as Giyuu leaves.

That went way better than I thought it would... kind of.

Chapter fifteen...

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