Secret Training

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Third Person:

It has been a few years since Giyuu "passed" Final Season. Tanjiro was now 11 years old. He walked into the room where Urokodaki was seated.

Tanjiro: Sakonji?

Sakonji looked up at the boy.

Sakonji: Yes?

Tanjiro: I want to become a demon slayer!

Urokodaki looked at him in silence for a moment, but then he nodded.

Giyuu: No.

Tanjiro: Eh? Why?

Giyuu: It's too dangerous.

Tanjiro: But you're a demon slayer, are you not?

Giyuu: I'm older.

Tanjiro: You were 13 when you started training with Urokodaki.

Giyuu: ...I'm still older.

Tanjiro: Please? I really want to fight demons too! Urokodaki said I could!

Giyuu: Doesn't mean you should.

Tanjiro : ...Please?

Giyuu: No.

Tanjiro sighed.

Tanjiro: Please?

Giyuu: ...No.

Tanjiro gave up. He sadly walked back inside. Giyuu sighed.

Sakonji: Why won't you let him become a slayer?

Giyuu: It's too dangerous.

Sakonji: You were around his age when you started training.

Giyuu: I was still older. And... I'm not gonna lose anyone to demons ever again.

Sakonji: ...I think you should let him.

Giyuu: ...

Sakonji: He's only going to want to become a slayer more and more. And sure you want to protect him, but you have a job that already takes up most of your time, so you won't always be around. Wouldn't it be great if he could defend himself?

Giyuu stayed silent for a moment but then he stood up.

Giyuu: He's not gonna become one and that's final.

Urokodaki sighed. Giyuu began to leave.

Sakonji: Where are you going?

Giyuu: Hashira meeting. Say bye to Tanjiro for me.

And just like that Giyuu had left. Urokodaki sighed. He heard footsteps and saw Tanjiro walking in the room.

Tanjiro: Did he really leave that fast?

Sakonji: Yep. He said bye.

Tanjiro sighed he looked up at Urokodaki with pleading eyes.

Tanjiro: Can you please train me?

Sakonji: I would, but Giyuu refused the idea of that happening.

Tanjiro: ...Then let's not tell him?

Sakonji: You want me to train you behind your brother's back?

Tanjiro: Please Sakonji? I overheard you and Giyuu talking for a bit. You did bring up some good points. It would be great if I could defend myself. If you taught me your skills, and I showed that to Giyuu, then he'd have to be convinced that I could be a great demon slayer!

Urokodaki thought about it for a while.

Tanjiro: Please?

He then finally made his decision.

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