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Third Person:

Tanjiro for once in his life just finished a mission he was assigned on his own. He was able to work at peace for a while. During the daytime he'd help Nezuko. Soon in about a year... she completed her training. Now she's off at Final Selection...

And Tanjiro's alone.

Giyuu: You didn't go out today.

Tanjiro turns to face him.

Tanjiro: Hm? Oh yeah.. Nezuko went to Final Selection, so basically I'm finished helping her out.

Giyuu: ...That was nice of you to do.

Tanjiro sighed.

How do I tell him I agreed to committing  seppuku? I can't lie to him!

Giyuu: Something wrong?

Tanjiro froze for a second:

Tanjiro: No! ...No.

Giyuu: ...You know I can tell when you lie.

Tanjiro: ...You keep secrets from me all the time! Tsutako's death, Sabito, Nezuko and that demon kid!

Giyuu: ...I'm older than you.

Tanjiro: And every time I call you out on it you make up some excuse.

Giyuu: —That make much more sense than whatever yours will be.

Tanjiro pauses then sighs.

Tanjiro: If you want me to tell you my business then tell me yours! We're brothers, aren't we?

Giyuu stares at him blankly for a while.

Giyuu: We're brothers...

Tanjiro: So now will you stop keeping things from me?

Giyuu: No.

Tanjiro: Huh?

Giyuu: I don't want to tell you my business so I won't and you won't tell me yours? That's what you want anyway right? I'll find out anyway because you're just as bad as keeping quiet as you are with lying.

Giyuu walks away and Tanjiro groans.

I hate him.

Tanjiro: Urokodaki!

Sakonji: ...Hm? Tanjiro...

Tanjiro: Is Nezuko back yet?

Sakonji: Nezuko? No...they don't usually come back the day off Final Selection, it's usually at night or around morning the next day.

Tanjiro: ...Oh..

Sakonji: You and her became really good friends. I saw you helping her out while she still practiced.

Tanjiro: ...Yeah. It's kinda weird because I didn't think I'd end up liking her. I mean my first instinct was to kill her brother.

Sakonji: I didn't have high hopes for her either. When I first met her, I thought she was too open-minded and indecisive.

Tanjiro: Isn't it good to have an open mind though?

Sakonji: Not when it comes to demons.

Tanjiro: Speaking of demons, is her brother okay? I heard he still always stays asleep.

Sakonji: I'm not sure what's happening to him myself. He's been asleep for two years now. I even consulted a doctor, but to no avail, he couldn't find out what's up with him either.

Tanjiro: ...Not that I'm doubting you or Giyuu's thinking, because I know you both have good foresight, but how do you know that he won't ever eat a human?

Sakonji: I have placed under a spell. I've convinced him that humans are family and demons are the enemy.

Tanjiro: ...How do you know how to do spells—

Sakonji: You can try again to see if Nezukob arrives tomorrow.

Tanjiro: That's your way of saying I'm kicking you out, huh?

Sakonji: Goodbye.

Tanjiro was already out the house.


He pouts and goes home.

Two days later.

I'm so glad Giyuu's been more trusting lately! This is my fifth time adventuring on my own!

Tanjiro continued walking down the path until he came to a halt.

Wait... that person kinda looks like...

Tanjiro gasps in realization.

Tanjiro: Nezuko! You're back(ish)!

Nezuko was dirty and bandaged up in a few places. She looked at Tanjiro and made the same happily shocked expression as him.

Nezuko: Tanjiro!

Tanjiro ran up to her.

Tanjiro: You passed Final Selection! That's wonderful! I was wondering when you were gonna come back.

Nezuko: I'm relieved I passed too...

Tanjiro: Well since you and so many others passed, we're now gonna have a bunch of new Demon Slayers in the Corps.

Nezuko: ...Actually... only a few of us passed.

Tanjiro: ...Oh. Like how many?

Nezuko: Including me, four.

Tanjiro: Oh.. huh...

That either means they had more demons or the demons on the mountain are getting stronger.

Tanjiro: Well you survived so that's great. I'll walk back with you to Urokodaki's house.

Nezuko: ...Thanks.

It's nighttime. The two of them had finally made it back to Mount Sagiri.

Tanjiro: Well I'm gonna go back now. See you another time.

Nezuko: By Tanjiro.

Nezuko waves to Tanjiro, before turning around and gasping.

Nezuko: Takeo... Urokodaki...

Nezuko is surprised and stunned to see her brother, Takeo, kick the door down. Nezuko drops her arms to her sides.

Nezuko: Takeo! You... you're awake!

Nezuko and Takeo run to each other.

Nezuko: Takeo!

Chapter twelve...

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