A man living in the mountains

428 14 21

Third Person:

Tanjiro: How long are we going to keep walking for?

The two boys had continued to make their way around the mountain. They hadn't stopped.

Giyuu: Until we find a village.

Tanjiro: I'm tired though... I can't keep walking anymore.

Giyuu stopped and sighed.

Giyuu: Do you want me to carry you?

Tanjiro was now on Giyuu's back.

Giyuu: This mountain sure does seem endless. I wonder when we'll finally find someplace it actually stay.

?: Excuse me?

Giyuu came to a halt. He turned around and saw an old man behind him. He has white hair, a blue top with white clouds on it, and black pants. Though the most notable thing about him was his red tengu mask.

Who's this...?

?: Are you two okay? You both look rather pale. It's dangerous for boys your age to be out here by yourselves.

Giyuu: ...We're fine sir..

?: Allow me to invite you inside my home.

Giyuu: Oh.. it's fine—

Tanjiro: Thank you sir!

Giyuu sighs after being cut off, and having no choice but to enter the man's home.

They both sat at a table together. Across from them was the man who had invited them in.

Sakonji: My name's Sakonji Urokodaki. You two are?

Giyuu: ...I'm Giyuu Tomioka.. this is my brother Tanjiro.

Sakonji: Giyuu and Tanjiro Tomioka... what brings you two boys all the way up here?

Tanjiro wanders away from the table.

Giyuu: We had to leave our village..

Sakonji: Are you two criminals or something?

Giyuu: No! Of course not...! You see, our older sister sister got killed by a demon and... nobody believed me when I told them that..

Sakonji: I'm sorry to hear that. Demons truly revolting creatures.

Giyuu: You... you believe me?

Urokodaki nodded.

Sakonji: Of course. You see, I'm an ex demon hunter. I used to kill demons as my profession. Now it's more like a hobby if I get the chance.

Giyuu gasped.

People can be demon hunters as their job?

Giyuu: You used to get paid for hunting and killing demons? If it's a job someone can have... then why did nobody believe me when I said that a demon murdered Tsutako...?

Sakonji: Demon Slaying is not a known profession by the government.

Giyuu: Huh?

Sakonji: We're a secret organization. Though there are many who know the existence of demons, there are still many who don't.

As the two talked Tanjiro had made his way to a hallway. He saw a door to his right and pushed it open a little. After poking his head in he saw a boy with peach hair who was surprised when he heard the door open. He turned around and saw the tiny boy at the door.

??: Uh, hello. Who're you?

Tanjiro looked up at him. He was about to speak when he got interrupted.

Giyuu: Tanjiro!

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