"His" First Mission

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Third Person:

It was nighttime. Giyuu was sitting in the kitchen, shaking.

What if he doesn't come back? What if he dies just like Sabito did? What if he's already in the same place as Tsutako?

Giyuu stops moving for a moment.

I should go for a walk to calm down.

Giyuu had finished at least two laps around the house.

Please be alright Tanjiro...

Sakonji: You relaxed yet?

Giyuu slightly nodded.

Sakonji: Have faith Giyuu. Have faith.

As Giyuu was pacing around he heard footsteps. He came to a stop and saw Tanjiro limping back. The boy had bandages on his forehead, and his face was dirty. His eyes widened.

Giyuu: Tanjiro...

Tanjiro: Giyuu... Urokodaki...

The brothers are surprised to see each other. Tanjiro drops his stick in shock, and they both run to each other.

Tanjiro: Giyuu!

Tanjiro falls due to his injuries. Giyuu runs up to him and hugs him. Tanjiro starts crying in happiness.

Giyuu: Why'd you do that? Why'd you take so long to come back? I thought you were never gonna come back! I was afraid you were gonna die.

Urokodaki drops his logs in shock. One of his students came back. Not as a ghost. He joins the boys and hugs them both.

Urokodaki: You're here. You came back alive.

As Urokodaki talks, tears pour down his face.

Tanjiro: I understand that I'm still pretty new to demon slaying, but... why'd you have to come with me?

Giyuu was behind Tanjiro.

Giyuu: To make sure it goes well and you don't die.

Tanjiro: ...This isn't really allowing me to work on my own!

Giyuu: I'm your backup.

Tanjiro stops and glares at him.

Giyuu: I won't do anything unless your in extreme danger.

Tanjiro: ...If you say so.

The two walked towards a town together. The sun was halfway down. Both boys were currently walking over a bridge.

Giyuu: Is this the village where your mission takes place?

Tanjiro: Yeah. There's been many reports of a people going missing at night. It is believed to be the work of a demon.

Giyuu: How do you plan on finding it?

Tanjiro: I'm gonna ask people who live around if they've noticed anything.

Giyuu: ...That's a good start.

The two enter the village. Tanjiro went around asking people if they've seen anything. One person was able to give him very helpful information.

Woman: There's an abandoned shed in the woods near here. I usually hear footsteps going towards it. Maybe that's where the people are taken to.

Tanjiro: Thanks for the information miss!

It was now nighttime. The two were now in the woods looking for that shed.

Giyuu: Are we really heading in the right direction?

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