Completing Final Selection

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Third Person:

The brothers have spent about a year living with Urokodaki. The whole time, Giyuu was training with Sabito. Soon, their training was complete.

The four of them were were eating dinner. Technically, it was only three of them as Tanjiro was sleeping.

Sakonji: Tomorrow you two will go through Final Selection. It's the actual last step you must take before you can truly become a demon slayer. You and a few other potential future slayers will gather at a mountain and fight against demons for a week. If you survive, you can become demon slayers.

Tanjiro: How long are you gonna be gone for?

Giyuu: One week. We'll both come back, I promise.

Tanjiro: B-But... what if that demon hurts you just like the one that hurt Tsutako..?

Giyuu: ...I won't die. I'm doing this for you after all.

Tanjiro looked at him in awe before he remembered something.

Tanjiro: Wait!

He went back into the house and came back with a burgandy piece of cloth.

Tanjiro: Here!

Giyuu: ...What's this?

Tanjiro: It's a piece of Tsutako's old kimono. When we got her belongings, I took it. I know damaging her clothes isn't nice, but I saw Mr. Urokodaki give you something to scare away demons, so I at least wanted to make you something to remind you of home, so you don't feel homesick!

Giyuu looked at Tanjiro surprised. That confusion of his turned into a smile and he stroked Tanjiro's head.

Giyuu: Thank you... I'll wear it in your honor.

Tanjiro's eyes lit up. He hugged Giyuu who hugged him back. After a minute they both the hug.

Giyuu: I'll see you again in a week.

Tanjiro: Bye! Bye Giyuu! Bye Sabito!

Urokodaki waved away to them too. Giyuu and Sabito waved back. Urokodaki put his waving arm down and sighed.

Please.. both of you come back. I've never had a student... come back to me.

The boys had made their way up the stairs of a mountain surrounded by wisteria trees.

Giyuu: Wow. These trees look beautiful. What are those flowers on them called?

Sabito: It's called wisteria. It's toxic to demons. They can't stand it. It's all over the place.

Giyuu: Oh. That's how they keep the demons up here.

Sabito: Yep.

The two of them made it all the way to the top and saw that were many other students there.

Sabito: Well this is it. The last thing we must complete before we can become demon slayers just like Urokodaki.

Giyuu nodded. After waiting for a few minutes, their test began.

I haven't been able to find or kill a single demon. I bet Sabito's having better luck than I am!

Giyuu wandered around. Suddenly he heard giant footsteps from behind him.

Huh? What's that?

He turns around and gasps. A giant green demon was behind him. The demon's body was wrapped by multiple hands. It's nails were red, and it's eyes were yellow.

Giyuu looks up at it and gasps. There was a boy that was being held by its arm.

That's one big demon... can I really handle it...? No way! It's too big.. but...

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