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~ Year: 2100 | Location: SS Sirius, Milky Way Galaxy ~

This story opens with a lone scientist called Cypher travelling the galaxy with his pet robotic dog called Phobos

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This story opens with a lone scientist called Cypher travelling the galaxy with his pet robotic dog called Phobos. He stands with a holographic tablet in his hands. But in front of him appeared to be a circular gateway called the "Interdimensional Outer Network," or "ION" for short. The gateway had all sorts of cables providing power to it from the stellar engine, the powerhouse, and the transportation of the space station.

"Woof!" Cypher looked down at Phobos, who dropped a ball, and smiled as his tail wagged. Cypher smiled, picked up the ball, and threw it down a far hallway, making the ball bounce off the walls in the process. Phobos barked once more as his metal nails scratched against the metal floor, trying to gain a grip. He gained his grip and ran after the ball.

Cypher looked back at his tablet at the circular gateway. He hummed, "According to my calculations, this should be able to take me from this plane of existence to another. But this will cost a lot of energy—more than I have."

He then looked back at Phobos, who was running back towards him proudly with the ball in his mouth. "Unless I send something smaller because I only did calculations for myself." Cypher muttered.

Phobos dropped the ball, sat down, and barked. "Phobs, do me a pleasure and stay there," Cypher said. Phobos understood and barked in reply.

Cypher took a handheld scanner out of his labcoat pocket and scanned Phobos, who stayed still with a stoic-like stature. Once Cypher finished, he transmitted the data from the scanner to his holographic tablet. He pressed the "Calculate" button, which appeared, and it began to diagnose the data received.

"Well, this may take a while," Cypher said before turning off his tablet and putting it in his lab coat's breast pocket. "You hungry, boy?" he asked Phobos with a smile, who barked in reply with a happy pant.

"Me too. Let's get something to eat," he said before starting to walk out of the room. Phobos picked up his ball and placed it in the item sorter hole, which took items to said sorter.

The duo passed a few rooms on their way to the kitchen, including the Galctial Communicator, Aquarium, and Lounge Area. The Galctial Communicator was a system added to every ship in the Galaxy so they could contact one another without having to wait for the passage of time or space. The Aquarium was a large aquarium featuring all aquatic life from Earth before it got horrendously destroyed by rising sea levels. Some land remained, which allowed people to still live there, but half of the population decided to take their lives to the stars.

Trotting along happily, Phobos entered the kitchen first. He ran to his bed and moved in circles before sitting down. Cypher walked in and began to make dinner.

(The table behind the kitchen island is white and hovering

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(The table behind the kitchen island is white and hovering. And the view outside is space.)

Despite everything being automatic, Cypher preferred to do things by himself. He always said that there was always a chance of AI going rogue and killing him.

Cypher turned on the radio while cutting vegetables.

"You're listening to Milky Moves. Don't touch that dial because we're going to be playing "Slim Shady" by Eminem to mark the 100th year it was released. But first, a message from Earth," the radio announcer said.

"Hello, Galaxy Voyagers. We are sending this message to announce we will soon be joining you," a woman said on the radio. This got Cypher's attention, and he paused his cooking. "The recent events on Earth have not bode well for us. We may have climate change under control, but major coastal cities are still submerged."

"However, an asteroid by the name of "Azrael," 12 miles wide and double the size of the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, is speedily approaching Earth. It's calculated we have 4 months before it hits. So we call out to all of you in the stars to save our souls," the woman said grimly.

Cypher sighed and finished his cooking with "Slim Shady" playing on the radio. He put his food on the white dining table, with hover seats surrounding it. Taking out Phobos' bowl, Cypher put his meal inside it and placed it down. Phobos thanked him with a bark before starting to eat it. Cypher smiled, sat at the dining table, and began to eat his dinner.

Once he finished his dinner, he washed the plate and cookware. Leaving the kitchen, Phobos followed as the two walked to the bedroom. When they arrived, Phobos jumped onto the hover bed while Cypher got dressed in his black basic pyjamas. He turned the lights off with the press of a button before getting in bed, where Phobos cuddled up to him.


The next day, Cypher was standing in front of the circular gateway once more. This time, he was wearing dark grey trousers, a grey turtleneck with a white shirt underneath, and his white lab coat. Phobos was sitting next to his legs as he looked at the results on his holographic tablet. The results from yesterday's scan revealed Phobos could make the trip with energy to spare and return within 24 hours once the stellar engine had regained energy.

"Phobos," Cypher said softly, looking at Phobos, who looked at him. "Are you ready?" he asked, getting a bark in reply.

Cypher looked back at his holographic tablet and began to think of the different locations. "I could send him to an entirely different universe. But which one? Hmm, well, there was this show that Dad liked. I think it was an anime. What was it called?" he thought to himself. He clicked his fingers once he remembered.

"That's it! RWBY! But unlike my father, I don't know much about it. I could send Phobos there to get some information while the ION recharges. I could also watch it while he's gathering information," Cypher thought out loud. He looked at Phobos. "Bud, I need you to gather as much information as you can. Got it?" he asked. Phobos barked in reply and panted happily.

Cypher smiled and looked at his holographic tablet once more. He entered "RWBY" in the "Transporter Location" and pressed "Configure." The circular gateway in front of them began to hum loudly as it started to power up. The lights flickered around them due to how much energy the ION was absorbing.

Eventually, the ION Gateway reached its peak. A bright blue glow emitted from it before a blue spiral began to form.


Cypher looked at his tablet and noticed power starting to decline. He opened the system settings and set the limiter around the stellar engine to 50%. Double what it was previously. This allowed the ION Gateway to consume more power from the Stellar Engine to power its process faster.

Cypher hoped this would be enough, as anything more than 75% would cause the stellar engine to begin to collapse in on itself. And that wouldn't end well.

With the ION Gateway powering up, Cypher kept watch of the energy bar. The stellar engine was still stable while it powered the ION Gateway. But when the gateway had finished processing, it was still using a considerable amount of power.

So Cypher looked at Phobos and said, "You may enter. But please, be careful and stay hidden.". Phobos barked in reply. Cypher petted him before he ran into the ION Gateway.

Cypher watched his holographic tablet to make sure Phobos had made it. Once he did, Cypher turned the ION Gateway off immediately and turned the power outage back to 25%. He then walked away from the gateway and made his way to the lounge area. Once he arrived, he sat on the white hover sofa and turned the TV on. He searched "RWBY" and started to watch it on Crunchyroll.


Okay! The prologue is done! I hope you liked it!

Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Blu out.

Remnant's Cypher (RWBY) (OC x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now