Dangerous Deterrent | S1 P18

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~ Year: 2100 | Location: SS Sirius, Milky Way Galaxy ~

~ Year: 2100 | Location: SS Sirius, Milky Way Galaxy ~

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A week had passed. Ironwood and Cypher talked about the ION Gateway between Remnant and Earth with them both agreeing that in the New Year Cypher would reveal his gateway to the UN and start talks of a free trade between worlds. They also agreed that the Dark Dust should be banned from commercial use and would be best for scientists to research it more. So on the day, Ironwood went back to Remnant he took a shard of the Dark Dust back so his scientists could research it. Meanwhile, Cypher would go on the news to talk about the Dark Dust and try to convince people to vote "No" on the vote.

This brings us to today. Cypher had his news meeting on WWBC or World Wide Broadcasting Corporation which broadcasts important news all around the globe simultaneously.

He arrived at the pristine news tower and looked around before entering

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He arrived at the pristine news tower and looked around before entering. He was welcomed by the fresh smell of pine trees and a cool breeze, unlike the warm one outside. The reception was fairly quiet; the receptionist sat at their computer silently, banging their head to the music they were listening to in their earphones.

Cypher walked over to the reception, instantly getting the receptionist's attention. "Yoyo, how can I help?" they asked with a grin, removing an earphone. "Hold on, I know you! You're that emo doctor that would blow up their ship to save Earth, right?" they said with a grin. Cypher was taken aback by the receptionist's words but chuckled, "I suppose I am,"

"That's got to be one of the coldest moments in history!" they started to fangirl, "I mean, not many people would sacrifice themselves for our stinky planet! And you just flew after that asteroid like a main character in a movie! Could I take a picture with you, please!?"

Cypher was taken aback again, but smiled, "Sure,". The receptionist walked around the desk and looked at Cypher, "Wow, you're very tall,". He chuckled, "Yes, I suppose I am,". The receptionist took their phone out, grinned, and took a selfie with Cypher who smiled.

"Thank you!" the receptionist thanked before going behind their desk. "So, what are you here for?" they asked. "To talk about the asteroid," Cypher replied. "Oh, how exciting!" the receptionist replied, looking at their computer screen. "Yeah, you can go ahead, you got here 10 mins early,"

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