His pov

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I am currently sitting in my room and thinking, was I wrong about Anna? Is she acting all innocent and naive or is she innocent? And how can she not know about Grandma's death? I was so mad at her that I hurt her with words called her selfish & even made her cry. Was she acting or it was genuine?
All these questions are going through my head, I heard a knock on my door "Son, are you there?" my father asked
"Come in Dad "
"Son, you look mad? Is everything alright?" he asked

"Dad I'm fine,"  I said rubbing my temples
"I know you told Sanjana about your grandmother, and I also know what you are mad about," he said in understanding
"Doesn't matter Dad leave it? " I said not liking where this was going
"Ahaan, you should listen to the truth first Sanjana didn't know about her, because we lied to her. Her parents don't want their daughter to leave everything & come because they know she was so close to your granny and there were also some reasons not to tell her which is not our place to know "Dad explained
"Dad, are you serious, she did not know for 6 years, how can someone be this ignorant?" I am frustrated by all these things
"I know Ahaan, she tried to call her every time she came to India, take a look at your granny's call log " he pulled out Granny's phone & showed me the log
"This phone is with you?" I asked shocked and in an instant regret I started feeling
"Yes, whenever she called, I never picked up her calls, I don't have the heart to break my doll's heart, also Harsh told me not to tell her that's why Ahaan, we lied to her" Dad continued "It's not her fault Ahaan,"

"I am sorry Dad "
"Don't say sorry to me again, you should apologize to Sanjana, I know what you do when you get angry and I hope you didn't blame her for everything "My dad knows me so well but I did exactly what he told me not to do
"Yeah, Dad I will apologize to her, maybe tomorrow "My guilt is piling up & I can't do anything about it why do I have to act like this without knowing the full truth? Knowing half-truths is always dangerous, now I can see why they say it like that.
"Okay, son now come to the office I need to discuss something about the partnership and don't think too much, " he said
I nod my head "Coming Dad, you go I'll be there in 5"
"Okay "
I should say sorry to her, I don't know why I always make assumptions about her and always try to prove her wrong, why I always do that even I don't know. On the one side, I am obsessed with her, I can't see her with another man on the other side I always try to make her cry, always try to prove her wrong, and blame her.

On one side I always crave to touch her, it reminds me of the restroom where I was holding her small waist, her top little bunched up, her skin showing, her soft skin all hot under my hands, her cheeks all red from blushing, her nose all red from crying, she was looking so cute at that moment, if I was not mad, I will kiss the hell out of her.

I have always been cold, sorted, and always minded my own business. No girl ever dared to come between me & my work, my thoughts, my life but she, she is been on my mind since the moment I saw her after 6 years. Her soft smile, all blushy cheeks, her sweet baby-like voice, her cute almond eyes. Her dress sense, that v-neck top showing her neck and the prominent collarbone peeking through her top, everything about her is so alluring that I can't keep my eyes off her.
She looks so feminine and submissive as if waiting for someone to dominate her, take all responsibility & burden off her shoulders and take care of her.
She is someone who is staying rent-free in my mind all the fucking time.

I hope this story will also live in your mind rent-free. Stay with me guys for more interesting chapters!!!!!!!!!

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