How you fall in love

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-Before the Pallasvelda mission, Harbringer asks you out. You say yes, of course, cause who wouldn't want to say yes to a gold saint like him?
-After your fated date, you guys become somewhat closer to each other. This time, you decide to ask him out to dinner at your place.
-He asks you to become his girlfriend the night before the attack on Pallas's castle. And you seal the night off with a sweet and juicy moonlight kiss.

- You ask him out to dinner at a place farther from Sanctuary. Athena allows it since she's seen the looks you give each other when you pass by Sanctuary. (And the little blush he has upon seeing you wave at him)
-After the date, you become close. You start going out a lot more, and finally, the day before they leave for Pallasvelda, Fudo asks you to be his girlfriend when he comes to your house to let you know about the mission they simply must carry out.
-You are taken aback by this boldness, since from what you've seen, he hardly speaks at all, but nonetheless, you are elated and accept his question with a happy smile on your face.

-He asks you out to dinner at a restaurant near Master Mu's old lair. He's super nervous because he's never felt this way before, but he still manages to peck a small kiss on your cheek when you eventually leave.
-As you guys become closer, Kiki tells you more and more about his duties being a gold saint and taking up the mantle of his previous master. He even mentions that you may never see him again because him and the gold saints are leaving to Pallasvelda to take down Athena's sister, Pallas.
-The day before you leave, Kiki asks you to be his girlfriend, telling you that he may not make it out alive, but he wants you to know he really loves you so much. And you accept his question, pulling him close and finally having your long-awaited first kiss.

-You guys cross paths at his place where he's training the new Pegasus Saint, Koga, and he instantly falls head over heels for you. He asks you out a few weeks later in his own special way, and you say yes.
-As you become closer, Genbu explains to you how important being a gold saint is to Athena, as well as the highs and lows of watching his comrades die. When he gets emotional, you pat his shoulder gently and, of his consent, wipe his tears away.

-The day they are to leave for Pallasvelda, Genbu asks you to be his girlfriend, knowing that this may be the last time you ever see him. (And how right he was.) You accept and kiss him, finally a couple now.

-He sees you outside Sanctuary and asks you out, having felt this way for a while. He's mostly aloof the entire time, but he does kiss you on the cheek when it's time to leave.
-As you two get closer, he introduces you to the young saints, gold saints, and of course, Saori. You are shocked to see a living breathing ornate goddess in your corner, but you get used to it, knowing Seiya has to protect her from bad people.
-The night before they leave for Pallasvelda, Seiya visits you at your house and cordially, but with a small hint of emotion, asks you to be his girlfriend. You throw your arms around him and kiss him, making sure he knows your answer. You two were finally together for eternity.

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