When someone slaps or harms you

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Fuck, no. Are you kidding me, girl? Harbringer's mind would go into overdrive if he sees you get slapped by a stranger. The minute he sees you run towards him with teary eyes and wobbly lips, Harbringer gets all up in that stranger's face and threatens him to stay away from you. Otherwise, he'd snap his lungs off. That stranger would immediately vacate the premises thanks to Harbringer's warning. Of course, that doesn't mean Harbringer wouldn't immediately deny it when you calmly ask him later, safely nuzzled in his arms back at Sanctuary. Harbringer ain't letting no bastard hurt you, not in this life.

Also, no. Kiki may look like a huge goofball and prankster at first glance, but he's no slouch in battle tactics. The second Kiki sees you get slapped in the face by a total stranger, he rushes over there and pushes him away. If the stranger repeatedly tries to get you, Kiki will grab the stranger by his collar and casually warn him about the oncoming danger heading his way if he is to hurt you again. You ask him later, and Kiki admits that yeah, he may have gone a little overboard with the warning.......

Hell no, bitch. The second the stranger raises his hand to slap you, Fudo gets there faster and is able to grab the hand before it even touches your face. Then, Fudo starts breaking the stranger's arm and gives him one of his epic patented death glares, warning never to hurt you again, or you'll end up crossing on the wrong side of his fist. Namely, the stranger is already super terrified when Fudo appears and instantly takes off running, not wanting to mess with him no more. Fudo won't let you go for the whole day, saying he wants you right there on his lap near him.

Oh fuck no! No one is willing to tangle with the girlfriend of the strongest and most powerful Sagittarius Saint in Sanctuary. Unfortunately, one guy ended up risking his life hurting you when he thought you stole his wallet.  The guy moves to strike you again while you curl up into a ball, tears at the brink of your eyes. Suddenly, a golden light shines in front of the guy, forcing him to suddenly close his eyes.When the guy opens them again, there's Seiya holding his fist and giving the guy an absolutely vicious glower only a powerful Sagittarius Saint could pull off. Seiya literally was that close to actually pummeling the guy if you hadn't found the guy's wallet on the ground and gave it back to him. You reprimanded Seiya and smacked his arm for being so scary to the guy when he really didn't deserve that thanks to a misunderstanding he had with you. Seiya blushed in embarrassment and scratched his head awkwardly after the reprimanding. But you also told Seiya that you were lucky to have a boyfriend so brave and kind to put himself on the line for the one he loves the most. It moved Seiya so much that he actually started to tear up from the warm feeling growing inside his chest. The feeling of wanting to happy cry was so strong that Seiya buried his face in your neck to hide his tears and sniffles from you, but you chuckled and patted him on the back, commenting that such a kind Saint like him deserves to have a chance to cry and express himself.

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