🍋Not pleased with you🍋 Seiya x Reader

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You sighed, sitting on the edge of your bed and sighing. You just came back from comforting Seiya in the library. Poor guy, you felt a bit guilty for saddening him like that. A soft yet firm husky voice suddenly whispered in your ear, "You upset me." Before you knew it, you were being bridal carried into the Sagittarius chambers and dropped on the bed, the door calmly being closed behind you. When you looked up, you saw the fiery eyes of your loving boyfriend staring back at you. Okay, that's definitely not what you expected.Seiya took off his shirt and pants, then proceeded to strip you of all your clothes, including your shirt.
Seiya crashed onto the bed with you, biting your neck intimately and gripping you hard enough to leave scars. "You're mine, and only mine." Seiya whispered sexily, putting his cock on you. You barely held in a gasp as Seiya's cosmo flared up, and he thrusted into your... special area. "Oh~Ah~Seiya~" You whined, feeling Seiya kiss you messily and slather his tongue in your mouth. "Your punishment is near, Y/N." Seiya's voice boomed, and he started quickly biting your neck, leaving hickeys trailing across it.  You could barely hold on as Seiya's cosmo grew stronger the more he kissed you and thrusted into your pleasure spot. You had never seen this version of Seiya before. It was kinda....hot. Almost as soon as he started, Seiya stopped suddenly. He moved over to the end of the bed and buried his face in his arms. "Seiya? What's wrong, honey?" You asked, slowly inching over to the end of the bed where Seiya's muscular body was curled up and placing a delicate hand to his strong shoulder. Seiya raised his head from his arms, giving you a heartbroken look. "The thing is, you really hurt me, Y/N. When I heard you mention such bitter words to your friend, I was upset. The fact that you kept interrupting me and repeating those words made it even worse." Tears began to fill Seiya's eyes, and they spilled onto the mattress with a plop!

"S-Seiya..." You whispered in shock, eyes widening. "And you know what the worst part of it was? I was upset because you didn't seem to notice my emotions until we got home.Which is why you found me crying in the Libary back at Sanctuary." Seiya remarked sullenly, crossing his arms and frowning at the ground. Tears welled up in your eyes, realizing how badly you must've hurt your boyfriend with your prank. So you drew Seiya into your arms, running your hands through his hair calmly, trying to console him. All too soon, Seiya started relentlessly kissing you again, dotting his lips all over your exposed neck and biting your tongue in a heated position. You moaned as Seiya thrusted into your area again and used his golden cosmo to warm things up a bit. Seiya showed no signs of stopping either, contently gripping your arms and biting you hotly, but gently. You had no time to protect yourself as Seiya's tongue explored your caverns and sucked on your tongue before moving it down to your neck again. Seiya used the last of his golden cosmo to make you stumble, then he laid his lips tenderly on yours in a simple kiss that turned into a messy one. Finally, Seiya stood up and held out his hand, frowning a little.
"Do you promise not to do that stunt again?" Seiya inquired, eyes searching you for your answer. You decided to have a little fun with your stern boyfriend. After all, this was your punishment, right? When you shrugged and pretended to look indifferent, Seiya whined,"Y/N...." When you still pretended to look uncaring, Seiya moaned and walked over to his wall, shielding his face with his arms and crying into his wall, sobs being heard. "Awww, Seiya." You cooed, walking over to your boyfriend and patting his back so he'd look at you. "I was joking! Geez, can't you Sagittarius Saints take a joke?" Seiya turned to you, a sad but murderous glare on his face, and then suddenly his words from earlier were like a slap to the face. "Apparently, you can't. " You winced, rubbing Seiya's back as he leaned against his arm and sniffed quietly. "I promise, Seiya. From heaven and hell do us part, I promise it will be light-hearted pranks from now on. That good?" You smiled as Seiya nodded, starting to look a little happier. You felt Seiya throw himself into your arms, sniffling and crying happily in delight you were with him. You chuckled, rubbing his back and running your hands softly through his hair. "Even after all I did to you, you still love me. Hmm, I wonder who I gave my heart to in the first place, huh?" You weren't sure, but when you heard Seiya whisper,"Me," you smiled at him. "That's right, Seiya. You." "And don't you ever fucking forget that, ever."

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